Comparative analysis of blood sera from women with alcohol dependence and depressive disorders or from conditionally healthy women revealed reduced level of antibodies to dopamine, norepinephrine, serotonin, glutamate, and GABA in blood serum in women with dysthymic disorder and a depressive episode and their increased content in women with alcohol dependence in combination with depressive disorders.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground And Objectives: Addictive pathology is associated with nervous, immune, and endocrine shifts. Meanwhile, the nature of intersystemic relationship lying beneath addictive disorders remains unclear. The purpose of the study was to identify neuroimmunoendocrine markers of addictive disorders in male subjects defining the nature of their interaction.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFRoss Fiziol Zh Im I M Sechenova
October 2016
The 74 persons, including the 39 persons with mental and behavioral disorders due to psychoactive substance use (PAS) and the 35 persons with subclinical forms of substance use, are examined. The olfactory EEG patterns, differing in narcological patients depending on the range of PAS used, are revealed. EEG markers of olfactory response to isopropanol, thymol and androstenone in combination with emotional evaluation, having hemispheric features, can be diagnostic and differential predictive factors for assessment of predisposition to mental and behavioral disorders due to PAS use.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPatol Fiziol Eksp Ter
January 2018
Unlabelled: The purpose of study was evaluation of extra and intracellular cytokine production in blood cultures and cytokine-pain relationship at different stages od addiction.
Methods: Classic and multiplex enzyme immunoassay, flow, cytometry, algometry, visual analogue scale were used in 34 abusers, 12 users and 20 control subjects.
Results: Cytokine profile correlated with clinical parameters and pain sensitivity in abusers (mostly IL-6 and IL-1β).
Blood serum from 129 patients with opium addiction at different stages of the disease and 63 donors (control group) was examined for the presence of autoantibodies to the exciting and inhibitory amino acids glutamate and GABA. It was shown enhanced production of autoantibodies to glutamate and GABA. Dependence of the level and frequency of detec- tion of autoantibodies to glutamate and GABA on the stage of the disease was revealed.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFObjective: Our aim was to assess effect of antiasthenic drug adamantilbromphenylamine on the immune system and symptoms of asthenia in patients with non-psychotic mental disorders and to reveal possible criteria for prediction of treatment efficiency.
Methods: Uncontrolled study with interrupted time series was carried out. According to efficiency of treatment patients were divided into two groups (group 1 (n=21)--very much improved and much improved; group 2 (n=9)--minimally improved).
We performed immunophysiological examination of 144 men aged 17-25 years, patients with psychoactive substance dependence, episodic psychoactive drug users, and conditionally healthy individuals. Associations of proinflammatory cytokine production with age, sex, hormone levels, and olfactory and nociceptive indices were revealed in cases of psychoactive drug use and formation of addiction. Predictive models based on the use of androstenone aversion, pressure algometry testing, and immunological parameters were proposed.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFZh Nevrol Psikhiatr Im S S Korsakova
April 2016
Objective: To reveal olfactory parameters of substance addiction formation through evaluation of predictive capability of olfactometry combined with laboratory-immunological methods.
Material And Methods: Authors examined 156 people of both sexes aged 18-25 years. Three comparison groups with different attitudes towards psychoactive substances were formed as follows: people who do not use psychoactive substances (controls), episodic consumers (group at risk) and people with dependence syndrome.