Objective: The aim of this study is to identify which endograft-parallel stent combinations and which degree of oversizing result in the most adequate fit in a juxtarenal abdominal aneurysmal neck, when using a double or triple parallel-stent (chimney) technique.
Methods: In vitro silicon, juxtarenal, abdominal aortic aneurysmal neck models of different diameters, with two and three side-branches (simulating both the renal and superior mesenteric arteries), were constructed. Two different endografts of three diameters each, with two or three parallel stents (of 6 mm and 6 mm; or 6 mm, 6 mm, and 8 mm) were tested (Endurant-II endograft [Medtronic Inc, Santa Rosa, Calif] with balloon-expandable BeGraft stent [Bentley InnoMed, Hechingen, Germany] and an Excluder endograft [W.
Background: The aim of the study was to identify the best conditions in iliac sandwich procedure for hypogastric artery preservation during endovascular aneurysm repair, testing different devices, different oversizing (OS) degrees as well as different methods to measure it.
Methods: Four external iliac devices (16-mm Endurant and 12-mm Aorfix limb extensions; 11- and 13-mm Viabahn endografts) were tested with 2 distinct internal iliac stent grafts (8-mm Advanta V12 and 8-mm Viabahn) inside different proximal silicon iliac limb models (10, 12, 14, 16, and 18 mm), simulating an iliac sandwich procedure for hypogastric preservation. After remodeling all devices in a saline bath at 37°C, the combinations were computed tomography scanned.