Publications by authors named "Saurav Nandy"

Article Synopsis
  • The study analyzed the diversity, abundance, and composition of the macroinvertebrate community in the upper section of the Tons River from May 2019 to April 2021, finding a total of 48 taxa from 34 families and 10 orders.
  • Key findings indicate that macroinvertebrate density is lowest during the premonsoon season (250-290 individuals/m²) and highest post-monsoon (600-640 individuals/m²), with notable dominance of Ephemeroptera and Trichoptera orders at varying altitudes.
  • The research highlighted that lower altitudes (1150-1232 m) support greater macroinvertebrate abundance and diversity, validating the use of these organisms as bioind
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  • * The study investigated carbon accumulation in three types of wetlands in West Bengal, India, finding that carbon levels were significantly higher in the wetlands compared to nearby upland areas, especially in floodplains.
  • * A strong link was found between the amount of macrophyte coverage (aquatic plants) and the carbon stored, indicating that plant growth boosts wetlands' ability to sequester carbon.
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The main objectives of the present study were to quantify the environmental, especially temperature and rainfall, effects on breeding phenology of selected catfish species and to predict changes in breeding phenology of the selected species in relation to climatic variability for the Ganga River Basin. The study showed that changes in rainfall pattern may have the most profound effect on gonad maturation and breeding of Mystus tengara and Mystus cavasius followed by the effect of increased water temperature due to rising air temperature. Indication of region-specific adaptation was noticed in reproductive phenology of Eutropiichthys vacha based on local trends of warming climate.

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The concept of threshold condition factor (Fulton), beyond which more than 50% of the female fish population may attain readiness for spawning coined as pre-spawning fitness (K ), has been proposed in the present article and has been estimated by applying the non-parametric Kaplan-Meier method for fitting survival function. A binary coding strategy of gonadal maturity stages was used to classify whether a female fish is "ready to spawn" or not. The proposed K has been generated for female Mystus tengara (1.

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