Large multi-site studies that combine magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) data across research sites present exceptional opportunities to advance neuroscience research. However, scanner or site variability and non-standardised image acquisition protocols, data processing and analysis pipelines can adversely affect the reliability and repeatability of MRI derived brain measures. We implemented a standardised MRI protocol based on that used in the Adolescent Brain Cognition Development (ABCD) study in two sites, and across four MRI scanners.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground And Aims: Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) procedures can result in significant patient radiation exposure. This retrospective multicenter study aimed to assess the influence of procedural complexity and other clinical factors on radiation exposure in ERCP.
Methods: Data on kerma-area product (KAP), air-kerma at the reference point (K), fluoroscopy time, and the number of exposures, and relevant patient, procedure, and operator factors were collected from 2641 ERCP procedures performed at four university hospitals.
The human brain undergoes metabolic adaptations in obesity, but the underlying mechanisms have remained largely unknown. We compared concentrations of often reported brain metabolites measured with magnetic resonance spectroscopy (H-MRS, 3 T MRI) in the occipital lobe in subjects with obesity and lean controls under different metabolic conditions (fasting, insulin clamp, following weight loss). Brain glucose uptake (BGU) quantified with F-fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography (F-FDG-PET)) was also performed in a subset of subjects during clamp.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFNon-verbal cognitive ability predicts multiple important life outcomes, for example, school and job performance. It has been associated with parieto-frontal cortical anatomy in prior studies in adult and adolescent populations, while young children have received relatively little attention. We explored the associations between cortical anatomy and non-verbal cognitive ability in 165 5-year-old participants (mean scan age 5.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Prenatal and postnatal maternal psychological distress predicts various detrimental consequences on social, behavioral, and cognitive development of offspring, especially in girls. Maturation of white matter (WM) continues from prenatal development into adulthood and is thus susceptible to exposures both before and after birth.
Methods: WM microstructural features of 130 children (mean age, 5.
The rapid white matter (WM) maturation of first years of life is followed by slower yet long-lasting development, accompanied by learning of more elaborate skills. By the age of 5 years, behavioural and cognitive differences between females and males, and functions associated with brain lateralization such as language skills are appearing. Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) can be used to quantify fractional anisotropy (FA) within the WM and increasing values correspond to advancing brain development.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe aim of this study was to investigate the associations between liver fat content (LFC), sedentary behaviour (SB), physical activity (PA), fitness, diet, body composition, and cardiometabolic risk factors in adults with metabolic syndrome. A total of 44 sedentary adults (mean age 58 [SD 7] years; 25 women) with overweight or obesity participated. LFC was assessed with magnetic resonance spectroscopy and imaging, SB and PA with hip-worn accelerometers (26 [SD 3] days), fitness by maximal bicycle ergometry, body composition by air displacement plethysmography and nutrient intake by 4-day food diaries.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe quality of mother-child interaction, especially maternal sensitivity in caregiving behavior, plays an important role in a child's later socioemotional development. Numerous studies have indicated associations between poor mother-child interaction and offspring brain structure and function, but more knowledge on how variation in the characteristics of early caregiving is associated with children's brain structure and function is needed. We investigated whether maternal sensitivity at 8 or 30 months is associated with functional connectivity in a child's brain at 5 years of age based on the FinnBrain Birth Cohort Study (17 and 39 mother-child dyads at 8 and 30 months, respectively, with an overlap of 13 dyads).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFMethodological aspects and effects of different imaging parameters on DTI (diffusion tensor imaging) results and their reproducibility have been recently studied comprehensively in adult populations. Although MR imaging of children's brains has become common, less interest has been focussed on researching whether adult-based optimised parameters and pre-processing protocols can be reliably applied to paediatric populations. Furthermore, DTI scalar values of preschool aged children are rarely reported.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFRenal sinus fat is a fat depot at the renal hilum. Because of its location around the renal artery, vein, and lymphatic vessels, an expanded renal sinus fat mass may have hemodynamic and renal implications. We studied whether renal sinus fat area (RSF) associates with hypertension and whether following bariatric surgery a decrease in RSF associates with improvement of hypertension.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe human brain develops dynamically during early childhood, when the child is sensitive to both genetic programming and extrinsic exposures. Recent studies have found links between prenatal and early life environmental factors, family demographics and the cortical brain morphology in newborns measured by surface area, volume and thickness. Here in this magnetic resonance imaging study, we evaluated whether a similar set of variables associates with cortical surface area and volumes measured in a sample of 170 healthy 5-year-olds from the FinnBrain Birth Cohort Study.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFDeveloping accurate subcortical volumetric quantification tools is crucial for neurodevelopmental studies, as they could reduce the need for challenging and time-consuming manual segmentation. In this study, the accuracy of two automated segmentation tools, FSL-FIRST (with three different boundary correction settings) and FreeSurfer, were compared against manual segmentation of the hippocampus and subcortical nuclei, including the amygdala, thalamus, putamen, globus pallidus, caudate and nucleus accumbens, using volumetric and correlation analyses in 80 5-year-olds. Both FSL-FIRST and FreeSurfer overestimated the volume on all structures except the caudate, and the accuracy varied depending on the structure.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFN-acetylaspartate (NAA) is the second most abundant metabolite in the human brain; although it is assumed to be a proxy for a neuronal marker, its function is not fully elucidated. NAA is also detectable in plasma, but its relation to cerebral NAA levels, cognitive performance, or features of cerebral disease has not been investigated. To study whether circulating NAA tracks cerebral NAA levels, and whether circulating NAA correlates with cognitive function and features of cerebral small vessel disease (SVD).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPediatric neuroimaging is a quickly developing field that still faces important methodological challenges. Pediatric images usually have more motion artifact than adult images. The artifact can cause visible errors in brain segmentation, and one way to address it is to manually edit the segmented images.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIntroduction: European Association of Urology and UK National Institute for Health and Care Excellence guidelines recommend that all men with suspicions of prostate cancer should undergo prebiopsy contrast enhanced, that is, multiparametric prostate MRI. Subsequent prostate biopsies should also be performed if MRI is positive, that is, Prostate Imaging-Reporting and Data System (PI-RADS) scores 3-5. However, several retrospective post hoc analyses have shown that this approach still leads to many unnecessary biopsy procedures.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFRadiography (Lond)
February 2022
Introduction: It has been suggested that the future of diagnostic imaging relies on engagement in research and evidence-based practice. This implies a role transition from a clinical radiographer to a clinical radiographer-researcher. Clinical radiographers' stimuli for engaging in research in Nordic countries are unknown.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFMagnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a safe method to examine human brain. However, a typical MR scan is very sensitive to motion, and it requires the subject to lie still during the acquisition, which is a major challenge for pediatric scans. Consequently, in a clinical setting, sedation or general anesthesia is often used.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPurpose: To prospectively compare F-prostate-specific membrane antigen (PSMA)-1007 positron emission tomography (PET)/CT, whole-body magnetic resonance imaging (WBMRI) including diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) and standard computed tomography (CT), in primary nodal staging of prostate cancer (PCa).
Methods: Men with newly diagnosed unfavourable intermediate- or high-risk PCa prospectively underwent F-PSMA-1007 PET/CT, WBMRI with DWI and contrast-enhanced CT within a median of 8 days. Six readers (two for each modality) independently reported pelvic lymph nodes as malignant, equivocal or benign while blinded to the other imaging modalities.
Material extrusion (ME) desktop 3D printing is known to strongly emit nanoparticles (NP), and the need for risk management has been recognized widely. Four different engineering control measures were studied in real-life office conditions by means of online NP measurements and indoor aerosol modeling. The studied engineering control measures were general ventilation, local exhaust ventilation (LEV), retrofitted enclosure, and retrofitted enclosure with LEV.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIntroduction: Radiographers' engagement in research is important for the development of evidence-based practice in radiography; however, radiographers' interest in research has rarely been reported. This study sought to ascertain radiographers' opinions about radiography research and investigate their involvement in research activities in four Nordic countries.
Methods: This study was conducted in Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden.
Shipping is the main source of anthropogenic particle emissions in large areas of the globe, influencing climate, air quality, and human health in open seas and coast lines. Here, we determined, by laboratory and on-board measurements of ship engine exhaust, fuel-specific particle number (PN) emissions for different fuels and desulfurization applied in shipping. The emission factors were compared to ship exhaust plume observations and, furthermore, exploited in the assessment of global PN emissions from shipping, utilizing the STEAM ship emission model.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFNeurocognitive functions supporting language development start to develop well before first words are spoken during the first years of life. This process coincides with the initial growth spurt of the brain. While the core components of the language network are well characterized in adults and children, the initial neural correlates of language skills are still relatively unknown.
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