Publications by authors named "Sarah Lucha"

We used a community-based participatory research approach to develop, implement, and evaluate one of the first health curricula for female intimate partner violence (IPV) survivors residing at a transitional housing program. The curriculum comprised 12 workshops that were developed based on the survivors' experiences, needs, and interests. Evaluation participants included 20 of the 37 women who attended at least one workshop, 12 workshop facilitators, and two housing center staff.

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Introduction: Intimate partner violence (IPV) affects the physical and psychological health of survivors and their children; however, to our knowledge, no comprehensive health curriculum exists for this population. As a partnership between a transitional housing program (THP) and an academic medical center, we developed a health education curriculum for female IPV survivors using the principles of community-based participatory research (CBPR).

Methods: After partnering with a community-based organization, and recruiting participants (IPV survivors), the curriculum is then taught by health trainees.

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Few studies have explored the perspectives of survivors of intimate partner violence (IPV) regarding their health and their children's health, their experiences accessing and utilizing health care, and health initiatives that would best serve their families' needs. We facilitated focus groups with female IPV survivors and adolescents who witnessed IPV. Women described their health and their children's health as poor and reported challenges with health care utilization, whereas teenagers generally perceived their health as typical for their age.

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