Publications by authors named "Sarah Khoury"

Municipal solid waste (MSW) landfills represent underexplored microbial ecosystems. Landfills contain variable amounts of antibiotic and construction and demolition (C&D) wastes, which have the potential to alter microbial metabolism due to biocidal or redox active components, and these effects are largely underexplored. To circumvent the challenge of MSW heterogeneity, we conducted a 65-day time series study on simulated MSW microcosms to assess microbiome changes using 16S rRNA sequencing in response to 1) Fe(OH)3 and 2) Na2SO4 to represent redox active components of C&D waste as well as 3) antibiotics.

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Background/objectives: Women's health represents an integral component of public health. With breast cancer being the first worldwide and cervical cancer the fourth most common cancer among women, and while habits of intimate hygiene remain mediocre, it is crucial to address these issues. We aimed to evaluate the efficacy of a community-based intervention on the knowledge and preventive measures (K&P) of women toward breast cancer, cervical cancer, and intimate hygiene.

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Unlabelled: Pesticides are causing honeybee mortality worldwide. Research carried out on honeybees indicates that application of pesticides has a significant impact on the core gut community, which ultimately leads to an increase in the growth of harmful pathogens. Disturbances caused by pesticides also affect the way bacterial members interact, which results in gut microbial dysbiosis.

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Human activity is altering the environment in a rapid pace, challenging the adaptive capacities of genetic variation within animal populations. Animals also harbor extensive gut microbiomes, which play diverse roles in host health and fitness and may help expanding host capabilities. The unprecedented scale of human usage of xenobiotics and contamination with environmental toxins describes one challenge against which bacteria with their immense biochemical diversity would be useful, by increasing detoxification capacities.

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Including probiotics in honeybee nutrition represents a promising solution for mitigating diseases, and recent evidence suggests that various microbes possess mechanisms that can bioremediate environmental pollutants. Thus, the use of probiotics capable of degrading pesticides used in modern agriculture would help to both reduce colony losses due to the exposure of foragers to these toxic molecules and improve honeybee health and wellbeing globally. We conducted in vitro experiments to isolate and identify probiotic candidates from bacterial isolates of the honeybee gut (i.

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Pesticides are increasing honeybee () death rates globally. Clothianidin neonicotinoid appears to impair the microbe-immunity axis. We conducted cage experiments on newly emerged bees that were 4-6 days old and used a 16S rRNA metataxonomic approach to measure the impact of three sublethal clothianidin concentrations (0.

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Traumatic brain injury (TBI) remains one of the greatest public health concerns with increasing morbidity and mortality rates worldwide. Our group reported that stimulation of astrocyte mitochondrial metabolism by P2Y receptor agonists significantly reduced cerebral edema and reactive gliosis in a TBI model. Subsequent data on the pharmacokinetics (PK) and rapid metabolism of these compounds suggested that neuroprotection was likely mediated by a metabolite, AST-004, which binding data indicated was an adenosine A receptor (AR) agonist.

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Article Synopsis
  • - This study examines how Aplysia, a type of mollusk, balances defensive behaviors (like withdrawal) and feeding after experiencing aversive stimuli, showing significant changes for at least 24 hours.
  • - The research found that increased excitability in tail sensory neurons enhances withdrawal reflexes, while decreased excitability in feeding neuron B51 suppresses feeding, both influenced by nitric oxide (NO).
  • - A key discovery is that a signaling pathway involving protein kinase G (PKG) plays a crucial role in maintaining this behavioral balance, with NO activating PKG to mediate long-term changes in both sensitization and feeding suppression.
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