High-quality social interactions promote well-being for typically developing and autistic youth. One factor that may contribute to the quality of social interactions is neural similarity, a metric which may capture shared perspectives and experiences of the world. The current research investigates relations between neural similarity to peers and day-to-day interaction success as measured through ecological momentary assessment in a sample of autistic and non-autistic youth aged 11-14 years old.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFMerrill Palmer Q (Wayne State Univ Press)
January 2023
The current study characterized the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and stay-at-home orders on adolescents' internalizing symptoms and assessed predictors of adolescents' internalizing symptoms during the pandemic. Seventy-nine adolescents (18 autistic, 61 nonautistic) and their parents who participated in a previous study and were at least 10 years old ( = 13.8, = 1.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFSoc Cogn Affect Neurosci
September 2023
Social interactions are a ubiquitous part of engaging in the world around us, and determining what makes an interaction successful is necessary for social well-being. This study examined the separate contributions of individual social cognitive ability and partner similarity to social interaction success among strangers, measured by a cooperative communication task and self-reported interaction quality. Sixty participants engaged in a 1-h virtual social interaction with an unfamiliar partner (a laboratory confederate) including a 30-min cooperative 'mind-reading' game and then completed several individual tasks and surveys.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFNeural reward network sensitivity in youth is proposed to differentially impact the effects of social environments on social outcomes. The COVID-19 pandemic provided an opportunity to test this hypothesis within a context of diminished in-person social interaction. We examined whether neural sensitivity to interactive social reward moderates the relationship between a frequency of interactive or passive social activity and social satisfaction.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThis study aimed to examine changes in depression and anxiety symptoms from before to during the first 6 months of the COVID-19 pandemic in a sample of 1,339 adolescents (9-18 years old, 59% female) from three countries. We also examined if age, race/ethnicity, disease burden, or strictness of government restrictions moderated change in symptoms. Data from 12 longitudinal studies (10 U.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFSharing emotional experiences impacts how we perceive and interact with the world, but the neural mechanisms that support this sharing are not well characterized. In this study, participants (N = 52) watched videos in an MRI scanner in the presence of an unfamiliar peer. Videos varied in valence and social context (i.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFHumans can rapidly encode information from faces to support social judgments and facilitate interactions with others. We can also recall complex knowledge about those individuals, such as their social relationships with others, but the time course of this process has not been examined in detail. This study addressed the temporal dynamics of emerging visual and social relationship information using EEG and representational similarity analysis.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFParenting is a critical factor in adolescent social-emotional development, with maladaptive parenting leading to risk for the development of psychopathology. However, the emotion-related brain mechanisms underlying the influence of parenting on psychopathology symptoms are unknown. The present study utilized functional magnetic resonance imaging and laboratory measures to examine sex-differentiated associations among parenting, adolescent emotion-related brain function, and substance use and psychopathology symptoms in 66 12-14 year olds.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFSocial functioning involves learning about the social networks in which we live and interact; knowing not just our friends, but also who is friends with our friends. This study utilized an incidental learning paradigm and representational similarity analysis (RSA), a functional MRI multivariate pattern analysis technique, to examine the relationship between learning social networks and the brain's response to the faces within the networks. We found that accuracy of learning face pair relationships through observation is correlated with neural similarity patterns to those pairs in the left temporoparietal junction (TPJ), the left fusiform gyrus, and the subcallosal ventromedial prefrontal cortex (vmPFC), all areas previously implicated in social cognition.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFHumans have evolved to thrive in large and complex social groups, and it is likely that this increase in group complexity has come with a greater need to decode and respond to complex and uncertain communicatory signals. In this functional MRI study, we examined whether complexity of social networks in humans is related to the functioning of brain regions key to the perception of basic, nonverbal social stimuli. Greater activation to biological than to scrambled motion in the right posterior superior temporal sulcus (pSTS) and right amygdala were positively correlated with the diversity of social-network roles.
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