Publications by authors named "Sarah Darby"

Fuel poverty, a pressing issue affecting social prosperity, has been exacerbated during the energy crisis triggered by the Russia-Ukraine conflict. This problem can be more severe for off-gas regions. Our study investigates heat pumps (HPs) as a cost-effective alternative to off-gas heating to alleviate fuel poverty in England and Scotland.

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Objectives: To evaluate the long term risks of invasive breast cancer and death related to breast cancer after non-screen detected ductal carcinoma in situ. Risks for women in the general population and for women diagnosed with ductal carcinoma in situ via the screening programme were compared.

Design: Population based cohort study.

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Background: There is substantial evidence that systemic anticancer therapies and radiotherapy can increase the long-term risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD). Optimal management decisions for cancer patients therefore need to take into account the likely risks from a proposed treatment option, as well as its likely benefits. For CVD, the magnitude of the risk depends on the incidence of the disease in the general population to which the patient belongs, including variation with age and sex, as well as on the treatment option under consideration.

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Background: The percentage of cells staining positive for Ki67 is sometimes used for decision-making in patients with early invasive breast cancer (IBC). However, there is uncertainty regarding the most appropriate Ki67 cut points and the influence of interlaboratory measurement variability. We examined the relationship between breast cancer mortality and Ki67 both before and after accounting for interlaboratory variability and 8 patient and tumor characteristics.

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Objectives: To describe long term breast cancer mortality among women with a diagnosis of breast cancer in the past and estimate absolute breast cancer mortality risks for groups of patients with a recent diagnosis.

Design: Population based observational cohort study.

Setting: Routinely collected data from the National Cancer Registration and Analysis Service.

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Introduction: Pharmacists assist in achieving desired outcomes and reducing costs of care within newer value-based payment models. The purpose of this article is to describe a summer internship for first- and second-year student pharmacists to gain exposure to value-based care.

Methods: University Health Network is a clinically integrated health network and accountable care organization in East Tennessee.

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Purpose: Adjuvant proton beam therapy (PBT) is increasingly available to patients with breast cancer. It achieves better planned dose distributions than standard photon radiation therapy and therefore may reduce the risks. However, clinical evidence is lacking.

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Importance: Hodgkin lymphoma (HL) survivors have higher rates of colorectal cancer, which may be associated with subdiaphragmatic radiation therapy and/or alkylating chemotherapy. Although radiation dose-response associations with breast, lung, stomach, pancreatic, and esophageal cancer after HL have been demonstrated, the association of radiation therapy with colorectal cancer remains unclear.

Objective: To quantify the rate of colorectal cancer according to radiation dose to the large bowel and procarbazine dose among HL survivors.

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Background: Several studies report increases in the incidences of primary central nervous system (CNS) tumors. The reasons for this are unclear.

Methods: Data on all 188 340 individuals diagnosed with a primary CNS tumor in England (1993-2017) were obtained from the National Cancer Registration and Analysis Service.

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Purpose: To describe cardiac exposure from breast cancer radiotherapy regimens used during 1970-2009 for the development of dose-response relationships and to consider the associated radiation-risks using existing dose-response relationships.

Material And Methods: Radiotherapy charts for 771 women in the Netherlands selected for case control studies of heart disease after breast cancer radiotherapy were used to reconstruct 44 regimens on a typical CT-dataset. Doses were estimated for the whole heart (WH), left ventricle (LV) and cardiac valves.

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Background: Adjuvant and neoadjuvant breast cancer treatments can reduce breast cancer mortality but may increase mortality from other causes. Information regarding treatment benefits and risks is scattered widely through the literature. To inform clinical practice we collated and reviewed the highest quality evidence.

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Pharmacists can have a significant effect on the specialty ambulatory care setting. Specialty medications are potentially high risk and may require frequent laboratory test monitoring to assess for therapy-associated adverse effects. Pharmacists may work under collaborative drug therapy management agreements that allow for the ordering and assessment of recommended laboratory tests in order to optimize safe and effective medication use.

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Purpose: In some patients with Hodgkin lymphoma (HL), proton beam therapy (PBT) may reduce the risk of radiation-related cardiovascular disease (CVD) and second cancers (SC) compared with photon radiation therapy (RT). Our aim was to identify patients who benefit the most from PBT in terms of predicted 30-year absolute mortality risks (AMR) from CVD and SC, taking into account individual background, chemotherapy, radiation, and smoking-related risks.

Methods And Materials: Eighty patients with supradiaphragmatic HL treated with PBT between 2015 and 2019 were replanned using optimal photon RT.

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Due to the risk of development of stress ulcers in intensive care unit (ICU) patients, pharmacologic prophylaxis is often utilized. However, some literature describes the use of enteral nutrition instead as stress ulcer prophylaxis. The purpose of this study is to determine if enteral nutrition is similar to pharmacologic stress ulcer prophylaxis (SUP) with enteral nutrition for reduction of gastrointestinal (GI) bleeding, perforation, or ulceration in ICU patients.

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Background And Purpose: Breast cancer radiotherapy can increase the risk of subsequent primary oesophageal cancer, with risk increasing according to oesophagus radiation dose. We describe oesophagus exposure from modern breast cancer regimens and discuss the risks of oesophageal cancer for women irradiated recently.

Materials And Methods: A systematic review was undertaken of oesophagus doses from breast cancer radiotherapy regimens published during 2010-2020.

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Purpose: The contemporary management of early-stage Hodgkin lymphoma (ES-HL) involves balancing the risk of late adverse effects of radiotherapy against the increased risk of relapse if radiotherapy is omitted. This study provides information on the risk of radiation-related cardiovascular disease to help personalize the delivery of radiotherapy in ES-HL.

Methods: We predicted 30-year absolute cardiovascular risk from chemotherapy and involved field radiotherapy in patients who were positron emission tomography (PET)-negative following three cycles of doxorubicin, bleomycin, vinblastine, and dacarbazine chemotherapy within a UK randomized trial of PET-directed therapy for ES-HL.

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Text-based data sources like narratives and stories have become increasingly popular as critical insight generator in energy research and social science. However, their implications in policy application usually remain superficial and fail to fully exploit state-of-the-art resources which digital era holds for text analysis. This paper illustrates the potential of deep-narrative analysis in energy policy research using text analysis tools from the cutting-edge domain of computational social sciences, notably topic modelling.

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Background And Purpose: Radiation-related heart disease (RRHD) can occur many decades after thoracic radiotherapy for Hodgkin lymphoma (HL) or childhood cancer (CC). To quantify the likely risk of RRHD for patients treated today, dose-response relationships derived from patients treated in previous decades are used. Publications presenting these dose-response relationships usually include estimates of uncertainties in the risks but ignore the effect of uncertainties in the reconstructed cardiac doses.

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Objective: To evaluate the long term risks of invasive breast cancer and death from breast cancer after ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) diagnosed through breast screening.

Design: Population based observational cohort study.

Setting: Data from the NHS Breast Screening Programme and the National Cancer Registration and Analysis Service.

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Comparisons of patients receiving different cancer treatments reflect the effects of both treatment and patient selection. In breast cancer, however, if radiotherapy decisions are unrelated to laterality, comparisons of left-sided and right-sided cancers can demonstrate the causal effects of higher-versus-lower cardiac radiation dose. Cardiac mortality was analysed using individual patient data for 1,934,248 women with breast cancer in 22 countries.

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Background: We aimed to develop dose-response relationships for heart failure (HF) following radiation and anthracyclines in breast cancer treatment, and to assess HF associations with trastuzumab and endocrine therapies.

Methods And Results: A case-control study was performed within a cohort of breast cancer survivors treated during 1980-2009. Cases (n = 102) had HF as first cardiovascular diagnosis and were matched 1:3 on age and date of diagnosis.

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Purpose: The future of non-operative management of DCIS relies on distinguishing lesions requiring treatment from those needing only active surveillance. More accurate preoperative staging and grading of DCIS would be helpful. We identified determinants of upstaging preoperative breast biopsies showing ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) to invasive breast cancer (IBC), or of upgrading them to higher-grade DCIS, following examination of the surgically excised specimen.

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Introduction: National cancer registration data were linked to the Primary Care Prescription Database (PCPD) in England. The level of endocrine therapy (ET) prescribed in women after a diagnosis of breast cancer was studied.

Materials And Methods: Cancer registrations for women diagnosed with breast cancer during 1995-2015, who survived to 31st March 2015, were linked to ET prescriptions issued during April-July 2015.

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Purpose: Radiation therapy (RT) improves control of Hodgkin lymphoma (HL), but patients who undergo RT are at risk for late effects, including cardiovascular disease and second cancers, because of radiation doses to organs at risk (OARs). Proton therapy (PT) can reduce OAR doses compared with conventional photon RT. However, access to PT is currently limited, so referrals must be appropriately selective.

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