Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol
September 2024
Human sepsis is characterized by increased protein breakdown and changes in arginine and citrulline metabolism. However, it is unclear whether this is caused by changes in transorgan metabolism. We therefore studied in a induced pig sepsis model the changes in protein and arginine related metabolism on whole body (Wb) and transorgan level.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFOmega 3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) are well-documented for their influence on health and weight loss. Recent studies indicate omega 3 PUFAs may exert a negative impact on cellular stress and physiology in some hibernators. We asked if physiological stress indicators, lipid peroxidation and mass gain in Arctic Ground Squirrels (AGS) were negatively influenced by naturally occurring dietary omega 3 PUFA levels compared to omega 3 PUFA levels found in common laboratory diets.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFHibernation is a state of extraordinary metabolic plasticity. The pathways of amino acid metabolism as they relate to nitrogen homeostasis in hibernating mammals in vivo are unknown. Here we show, using pulse isotopic tracing, evidence of increased myofibrillar (skeletal muscle) protein breakdown and suppressed whole-body production of metabolites in vivo throughout deep torpor.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFObjective: We performed these studies to learn how iodine in the form of free iodide behaves during stress.
Design: Prospective observational trial using samples obtained from human trauma patients and retrospective observational study using remnant samples from human sepsis patients and arctic ground squirrels. Preclinical interventional study using hind-limb ischemia and reperfusion injury in mice.
Targeted temperature management is standard of care for cardiac arrest and is in clinical trials for stroke. N-cyclohexyladenosine (CHA), an A adenosine receptor (AAR) agonist, inhibits thermogenesis and induces onset of hibernation in hibernating species. Despite promising thermolytic efficacy of CHA, prior work has failed to achieve and maintain a prescribed target core body temperature (T) between 32°C and 34°C for 24 hours.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFDespite an epidemic in obesity and metabolic syndrome limited means exist to effect adiposity or metabolic rate other than life style changes. Here we review evidence that neural signaling metabolites may modulate thermoregulatory pathways and offer novel means to fine tune energy use. We extend prior reviews on mechanisms that regulate thermogenesis and energy use in hibernation by focusing primarily on the neural signaling metabolites adenosine, AMP and glutamate.
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