J Psychiatr Ment Health Nurs
April 2023
Unlabelled: WHAT IS KNOWN ON THE SUBJECT?: Public shaming, especially by consumers of healthcare, is getting worse and has become a specific case of bullying Despite extensive research on physical and verbal violence directed towards mental health workers, the issue of social shaming and bullying by patients or relatives has not been sufficiently researched WHAT THE PAPER ADDS TO EXISTING KNOWLEDGE: Mental healthcare workers are exposed to the threat of social shaming and bullying on a regular almost weekly basis Abusive behaviours by patients are associated with professional burnout, decreases in professional functioning and even a tendency to leave the workplace among mental health workers WHAT ARE THE IMPLICATIONS FOR PRACTICE?: The stability and strength of the therapeutic alliance between healthcare giver and psychiatric patient are critical to the success of the treatment There is a need to develop a dedicated organizational policy for the prevention, early detection, intervention and support for teams exposed to social shaming and bullying An emphatic response, and effective intervention in a case of social shaming may improve professional functioning and reduce burnout and intention to leave.
Abstract: INTRODUCTION: Social shaming can impair caregivers' performance. The prevalence of shaming experienced by mental health workers and the relationships to their function or burnout is unknown.