Introduction: We studied a registry of Emergency Medical Systems (EMS) identified prehospital suspected stroke patients brought to an academic endovascular capable hospital over 1 year to assess the prevalence of disease and externally validate large vessel occlusion (LVO) stroke prediction scales with a focus on predictive values.
Methods: All patients had last known well times within 6 hours and a positive prehospital Cincinnati Prehospital Stroke Scale. LVO prediction scale scores were retrospectively calculated from emergency department arrival National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale scores.
Background: The Mission Protocol was implemented in 2017 to expedite stroke evaluation and reduce door-to-needle (DTN) times at Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital. The key system changes were team-based evaluation of suspected stroke patients at ambulance entrance by an Emergency Department (ED) physician, ED nurse, and neurologist and immediate emergency medical service (EMS) provider transport of patients to CT.
Methods: Patients were eligible for a Mission Protocol prehospital stroke activation if an EMS provider found a positive Cincinnati Prehospital Stroke Scale and a last known normal time within 6 hours.