Publications by authors named "Sapozhnikova G"

Substances for manufacture of parenteral drugs require control by the "Bacterial Endotoxin" (BE) index with the LAL-test. The aim of the study was to show possible applicability of organic solvents in BE determination by the gel-thromb test in case of water-insoluble pharmaceutical substances. The results confirmed that ethyl alcohol practically had no effect on the endotoxin activity.

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Most important results of investigations at Research Institute of Hygiene and Prevention of Diseases of Children, Adolescents, and Youth and at other analogous institutions are given. Standards and methodological documents in this sphere are mentioned.

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Metabolism of the anabolic steroidal hormone methandrostenolone in Wistar rats was studied by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and redioisotope techniques. The conditions for isolation of methandrostenolone metabolites by HPLC were developed. Reduction of the double bonds was shown to be an early stage in methandrostenolone biotransformation.

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For studying distribution of drugs and their metabolites in organs of experimental animals by the method of radioactive indicators with recording of measurements of the compounds under study by means of a liquid-scintillaton counter, there is described a simple and available method of complete solubilization of a biological tissue. The method makes it possible to dissolve up to 10 g of a biological tissue without preliminary lyophilization.

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Dynamics of distribution of anabolic steroidal hormone methandrostenolone and routes of its elimination from the organism of Wistar rats were studied by using methods of radioisotopes and high-performance liquid chromatography. Methandrostenolone metabolites were shown to be excreted mainly in the urine. Methandrostenolone metabolism is a complicated process in the course of which redistribution of metabolites among various organs occurs.

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The activity and substrate specificity of alcohol dehydrogenases (ADH) in the fractions of cytosol and membrane particles were compared in the yeasts Torulopsis candida, Candida lipolytica and Candida tropicalis grown in media with glucose and hexadecane. In all studied yeast cultures growing in the medium with hexadecane, NAD-dependent ADH specifically dehydrogenating only medium and higher alcohols are induced in the membrane structures of the cells. Soluble ADH are found in the cytosol of the cultures grown either on glucose or on hexadecane.

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The effect of cyanide and the inhibitors of cyanide-resistant oxidase--hydroxamic acids on endogenous respiration and oxidation of a number of substrates by Torulopsis candida resting cells taken at different stages of growth on glucose and hexadecane was studied and made it possible to arrive at the following conclusions. 1. The effect of cyanide on endogenous respiration of T.

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The activity and substrate specificity of alcohol dehydrogenases (ADH) toward normal primary alcohols with different length of the carbon chain (C2--C16) was studied in the cells of the yeast Torulopsis candida. The yeast was grown in a mineral medium with various carbon substrates: glucose, pyruvate, acetate, hexadecane, cetol and palmite acid. Soluble ADHs in the cytosol fraction and ADHs bound to the fraction of membrane particles (mitochondria and microsomes, etc.

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The activity of alcohol dehydrogenase was compared in subcellular fractions of Torulopsis candida grown on glucose ("glucose cells") and on hexadecane ("hexadecane cells"). Two groups of alcohol dehydrogenases (ADH) were found to be present in the cells: (1) soluble ADH located in the cytosol and (2) ADH bound to the membrane structures and located in the mitochondria and other cell structures. Soluble ADH of "glucose cells" actively dehydrated all alcohols tested from C2 to C16.

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