Publications by authors named "Sanly Liu"

The work found that the electron-donating properties of ferrous ions (Fe) can be used for the conversion of nitrite (NO) into the biofilm-dispersing signal nitric oxide (NO) by a copper(II) complex (CuDTTCT) catalyst, a potentially applicable biofilm control technology for the water industries. The availability of Fe varied depending on the characteristics of the aqueous systems (phosphate- and carbonate-containing nitrifying bacteria growth medium, NBGM and phosphate buffered saline, PBS at pH 6 to 8, to simulate conditions typically present in the water industries) and was found to affect the production of NO from nitrite by CuDTTCT (casted into PVC). Greater amounts of NO were generated from the CuDTTCT-nitrite-Fe systems in PBS compared to those in NBGM, which was associated with the reduced extent of Fe-to-Fe autoxidation by the iron-precipitating moieties phosphates and carbonate in the former system.

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The management of chloramine decay and the prevention of nitrification are some of the critical issues faced by water utilities that use chloramine as a disinfectant. In this study, potential association between high performance size exclusion chromatography (HPSEC) data obtained with multiple wavelength Ultraviolet (UV) detection from two drinking water distribution systems in Australia and nitrification occurrence was investigated. An increase in the absorbance signal of HPSEC profiles with UV detection at λ=230nm between apparent molecular weights of 200 to 1000Da was observed at sampling sites that experienced rapid chloramine decay and nitrification while its absorbance signal at λ=254nm decreased.

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A model is developed to enable estimation of chloramine demand in full scale drinking water supplies based on chemical and microbiological factors that affect chloramine decay rate via nonlinear regression analysis method. The model is based on organic character (specific ultraviolet absorbance (SUVA)) of the water samples and a laboratory measure of the microbiological (F) decay of chloramine. The applicability of the model for estimation of chloramine residual (and hence chloramine demand) was tested on several waters from different water treatment plants in Australia through statistical test analysis between the experimental and predicted data.

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In this study, we developed poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC)-solvent casted mixed metal copper and iron complexes capable of catalytic generation of the antibiofilm nitric oxide (NO) from endogenous nitrite. In the absence of additional reducing agent, we demonstrated that the presence of iron complex facilitates a redox cycling, converting the copper(II) complex to active copper(I) species, which catalyzes the generation of NO from nitrite. Assessed by protein assay and surface coverage analyses, the presence of the mixed metal complexes in systems containing water industry-relevant nitrite-producing nitrifying biofilms was shown to result in a "nontoxic mode" of biofilm suppression, while confining the bacterial growth to the free-floating planktonic phase.

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In drinking water distribution systems (DWDS), biofilms are the predominant mode of microbial growth, with the presence of extracellular polymeric substance (EPS) protecting the biomass from environmental and shear stresses. Biofilm formation poses a significant problem to the drinking water industry as a potential source of bacterial contamination, including pathogens, and, in many cases, also affecting the taste and odor of drinking water and promoting the corrosion of pipes. This article critically reviews important research findings on biofilm growth in DWDS, examining the factors affecting their formation and characteristics as well as the various technologies to characterize and monitor and, ultimately, to control their growth.

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In this study, catalytic generation of nitric oxide by a copper(II) complex embedded within a poly(vinyl chloride) matrix in the presence of nitrite (source of nitric oxide) and ascorbic acid (reducing agent) was shown to effectively control the formation and dispersion of nitrifying bacteria biofilms. Amperometric measurements indicated increased and prolonged generation of nitric oxide with the addition of the copper complex when compared to that with nitrite and ascorbic acid alone. The effectiveness of the copper complex-nitrite-ascorbic acid system for biofilm control was quantified using protein analysis, which showed enhanced biofilm suppression when the copper complex was used in comparison to that with nitrite and ascorbic acid treatment alone.

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Tungsten trioxide (WO3) has been demonstrated to possess visible light photoactivity and presents a means of overcoming the UV-light dependence of photocatalysts, such as titanium dioxide. In this study, WO3 nanostructures have been synthesised by a hydrothermal method using sodium tungstate (Na2WO4·2H2O), sulphate precursors and pH as structure-directing agents and parameters, respectively. By altering the concentration of the sulphate precursors and pH, it was shown that different morphologies and phases of WO3 can be achieved.

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In this study, we investigated the relationship between water characteristics and removal of natural organic matter (NOM) using polyaluminium chloride (PACl) and a newly developed coagulant obtained by hybridising PACl with chitosan (PACl-chitosan) for two different types of water. Using UV-visible spectroscopy analysis, we showed that PACl-chitosan is more effective than PACl for treating water samples that contain higher levels of activated polyhydroxyaromatic moieties. As a result, a lower level of total trihalomethanes formation potential (THMFP) was detected for synthetic water treated with PACl-chitosan coagulant compared to water treated with PACl only.

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The mineral ilmenite is one of the most abundant ores in the Earth's crust and it is the main source for the industrial production of bulk titanium oxide. At the same time, methods to convert ilmenite into nanostructures of TiO(2) (which are required for new advanced applications, such as solar cells, batteries, and photocatalysts) have not been explored to any significant extent. Herein, we describe a simple and effective method for the preparation of rutile TiO(2) nanorods from ball-milled ilmenite.

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In this study, the formulation of a novel polyaluminum chloride-chitosan composite coagulant that improves the coagulation process for natural organic matter (NOM) removal was investigated. The performance of the composite coagulant was tested using two water sources (synthetic and natural water) to develop a better understanding on the behaviour of the composite coagulant. Fourier Transform-Infra red (FT-IR) spectroscopy, ferron analysis and zeta potential studies were performed to characterise the composite coagulant.

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The effect of TiO2 photocatalytic oxidation on the natural organic matter (NOM) properties of two Australian surface waters were quantified using UV-vis spectroscopy, high performance size exclusion chromatography (HPSEC) with a multi-wavelength UV detector, liquid chromatography with organic carbon detector (LC-OCD), and trihalomethane formation potential (THMFP) analyses. Both the UV absorbance at wavelengths greater than 250 nm and dissolved organic carbon (DOC) content decreased significantly with treatment, although complete mineralization of NOM could not be achieved. Multi-wavelength UV detection of HPSEC analysis was shown to be useful to display further changes to NOM composition and molecular weight profiles because the organic molecules was transformed into compounds that absorb weakly at the typical detection wavelength of 250-260 nm.

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In this study, changes in the physical and structural properties of natural organic matter (NOM) during titanium dioxide photocatalytic oxidation process were investigated using several complementary analytical techniques. Potential of the treated water to form trihalomethanes (THMs) and haloacetic acids (HAAs) was also studied. High-performance size exclusion chromatography analysis showed that NOM with apparent molecular weights of 1-4 kDa were preferentially degraded, leading to the formation of lower molecular weight organic compounds.

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The photocatalytic removal of humic acid (HA) using TiO2 under UVA irradiation was examined by monitoring changes in the UV(254) absorbance, dissolved organic carbon (DOC) concentration, apparent molecular weight distribution, and trihalomethane formation potentials (THMFPs) over treatment time. A resin fractionation technique in which the samples were fractionated into four components: very hydrophobic acids (VHA), slightly hydrophobic acids, hydrophilic charged (CHA) and hydrophilic neutral (NEU) was also employed to elucidate the changes in the chemical nature of the HA components during treatment. The UVA/TiO2 process was found to be effective in removing more than 80% DOC and 90% UV(254) absorbance.

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