Publications by authors named "Sankey A"

Background: Glenoid loosening remains a concern in anatomical total shoulder replacement. Preoperative planning software allows optimization of the component positioning, but the target orientation remains unclear due to conflicting optimization priorities. Commonly, the component is aligned to the prescribed version and inclination that reflect the population's average anatomy.

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Understanding how genotypic variation results in phenotypic variation is especially difficult for collective behaviour because group phenotypes arise from complex interactions among group members. A genome-wide association study identified hundreds of genes associated with colony-level variation in honeybee aggression, many of which also showed strong signals of positive selection, but the influence of these 'colony aggression genes' on brain function was unknown. Here we use single-cell (sc) transcriptomics and gene regulatory network (GRN) analyses to test the hypothesis that genetic variation for colony aggression influences individual differences in brain gene expression and/or gene regulation.

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Calcium channel blocker ingestions remain one of the leading causes of death related to cardiovascular medication ingestion in both adults and pediatric patients. We report a case of a 17-year-old, 103 kg female presenting after an intentional polypharmacy ingestion, including 500 to 550 mg of amlodipine. She presented with profound vasoplegia and cardiovascular collapse requiring high-dose inotropes and eventual life support with extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO).

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The shoulder is a complex joint with static and dynamic stabilising structures working synchronously. These allow a full range of movement while preserving stability of the joint. Patients may present with pain, stiffness, weakness, deformity or instability.

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In insects, odorant receptors facilitate olfactory communication and require the functionality of the highly conserved co-receptor gene . Genome editing studies in a few species of ants and moths have revealed that can also have a neurodevelopmental function, in addition to its canonical role in adult olfaction, discovered first in . To extend this analysis, we determined whether mutations also affect the development of the adult brain of the honey bee , an important model system for social behavior and chemical communication.

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Background: Satisfaction of the best practice tariff criteria for primary hip and knee replacement enables on average an additional £560 of reimbursement per case. The Getting it Right First Time report highlighted poor awareness of these criteria among orthopaedic departments.

Methods: The authors investigated the reasons for non-compliance with the best practice tariff criteria at their trust and implemented a quality improvement approach to ensure successful adherence to the standards (a minimum National Joint Registry compliance rate of 85%, a National Joint Registry unknown consent rate below 15%, a patient-reported outcome measure participation rate of ≥50%, and an average health gain not significantly below the national average).

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Honey bee populations have been declining precipitously over the past decade, and multiple causative factors have been identified. Recent research indicates that these frequently co-occurring stressors interact, often in unpredictable ways, therefore it has become important to develop robust methods to assess their effects both in isolation and in combination. Most such efforts focus on honey bee workers, but the state of a colony also depends on the health and productivity of its queen.

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Background: The success of Total Shoulder Arthroplasty (TSA) is believed to depend on the restoration of the natural anatomy of the joint and a key development has been the introduction of modular humeral components to more accurately restore the patient's anatomy. However, there are no peer-reviewed studies that have reported the degree of glenoid component mal-position achieved in clinical practice and the clinical outcome of such mal-position. The main purpose of this study was to assess the accuracy of glenoid implant positioning during TSA and to relate it to the radiological (occurrence of radiolucent lines and osteolysis on CT) and clinical outcomes.

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We present a case report of a 45-year old man who sustained a central dislocation of the hip secondary to an insufficiency fracture of the acetabulum. At the time of presentation he was on alendronate therapy for osteoporosis which had been previously investigated. CT scanning of the pelvis was useful for pre-operative planning which confirmed collapse of the femoral head but no discontinuity of the pelvis.

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This is a follow-up study of 28 young people aged between 7 and 17 meeting the Oxford criteria for the diagnosis of chronic fatigue syndrome treated in a specialist paediatric/psychiatric service. Retrospective case note analysis revealed a wide range and duration of symptoms together with high levels of school absenteeism prior to the diagnosis. The mean follow-up interval after discharge from the specialist service was 3 years and although most of the young people regarded themselves as fully recovered by this time, improvement was variable and about one third were still experiencing disabling symptoms.

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In this paper, the relationship between identity status categories and the experience of parental influence on career development is examined. The life stories of 11 young adults regarding significant events through which their parents influenced them were classified by narrative structure based on Gergen and Gergen's macrostructure framework. The resulting narrative types were then assessed in terms of their relationship to each participant's score on the Extended Objective Measure of Ego-Identity Status.

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1. The electrical properties of the resting and stimulated pancreas have been studied in the anaesthetized cat. There is an inverse relationship between the frequency of applied alternating current and the resistivity and dielectric constant of the resting pancreas.

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