Publications by authors named "Sang Ho Chu"

Rice eating and cooking quality (ECQ) is significantly influenced by the physicochemical properties of its starch. This study integrates whole-genome resequencing, transcriptomic data, and phenotypic analysis to identify the genetic factors that regulate transcript expression levels and contribute to phenotypic variation in rice ECQ traits. A TWAS (transcriptome-wide association study) identified 285 transcripts linked to six ECQ traits.

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Dimensionality reduction is a method used in machine learning and data science to reduce the dimensions in a dataset. While linear methods are generally less effective at dimensionality reduction than nonlinear methods, they can provide a linear relationship between the original data and the dimensionality-reduced representation, leading to better interpretability. In this research, we present a tied-weight autoencoder as a dimensionality reduction model with the merit of both linear and nonlinear methods.

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As genomic selection emerges as a promising breeding method for both plants and animals, numerous methods have been introduced and applied to various real and simulated data sets. Research suggests that no single method is universally better than others; rather, performance is highly dependent on the characteristics of the data and the nature of the prediction task. This implies that each method has its strengths and weaknesses.

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Weeds pose multifaceted challenges in rice cultivation, leading to substantial economic losses through reduced yield and poor grain quality. Harnessing the natural genetic diversity in germplasm collections becomes crucial for identifying novel herbicide resistance loci in crops. A comprehensive analysis was conducted on 475 rice accessions from the KRICE depository, assessing their response to TFT (tefuryltrione) and probing the underlying HIS1 (HPPD INHIBITOR SENSITIVE 1) genotypic variations.

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(), a key gene in the vitamin E biosynthesis pathway, significantly influences the accumulation of tocochromanols, thereby determining rice nutritional quality. In our study, we analyzed the gene in 475 Korean rice accessions, uncovering 177 genetic variants, including 138 SNPs and 39 InDels. Notably, two functional SNPs, and , were identified, causing substitutions from valine to isoleucine and arginine to glycine, respectively, across 93 accessions.

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Early season flooding is a major constraint in direct-seeded rice, as rice genotypes vary in their coleoptile length during anoxia. (, ) has been identified as the genetic determinant for anaerobic germination (AG) and coleoptile elongation during flooding. We evaluated the coleoptile length of a diverse rice panel under normal and flooded conditions and investigated the Korean rice collection of 475 accessions to understand its genetic variation, population genetics, evolutionary relationships, and haplotypes in the gene.

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Introduction: Fragrance is an important economic and quality trait in rice. The trait is controlled by the recessive gene betaine aldehyde dehydrogenase 2 (BADH2) via the production of 2-acetyl-1-pyrroline (2AP).

Objectives: Variation in BADH2 was evaluated at the population, genetic, transcriptional, and metabolic levels to obtain insights into fragrance regulation in rice.

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Rice is a globally cultivated crop and is primarily a staple food source for more than half of the world's population. Various single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) arrays have been developed and utilized as standard genotyping methods for rice breeding research. Considering the importance of SNP arrays with more inclusive genetic information for GWAS and genomic selection, we integrated SNPs from eight different data resources: resequencing data from the Korean World Rice Collection (KRICE) of 475 accessions, 3,000 rice genome project (3 K-RGP) data, 700 K high-density rice array, Affymetrix 44 K SNP array, QTARO, Reactome, and plastid and GMO information.

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Granule-bound starch synthase 2 (), a paralogous isoform of , carries out amylose biosynthesis in rice. Unlike , it mainly functions in transient organs, such as leaves. Despite many reports on the starch gene family, little is known about the genetics and genomics of .

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Granule-bound starch synthase I () is responsible for gene encoding the, which is involved in the amylose synthesis step of starch biosynthesis. We investigated the genotypic and haplotypic variations of () gene, including its evolutionary relatedness in the nucleotide sequence level using single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), indels, and structural variations (SVs) from 475 Korean World Rice Collection (KRICE_CORE), which comprised 54 wild rice and 421 cultivated represented by 6 ecotypes (temperate japonica, indica, tropical japonica, aus, aromatic, and admixture) or in another way by 3 varietal types (landrace, weedy, and bred). The results revealed that 27 of 59 haplotypes indicated a total of 12 functional SNPs (fSNPs), identifying 9 novel fSNPs.

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Betaine aldehyde dehydrogenase 1 (, a paralog of the fragrance gene , is known to be associated with salt stress through the accumulation of synthesized glycine betaine (GB), which is involved in the response to abiotic stresses. Despite the unclear association between and salt stress, we observed the responses of eight phenotypic characteristics (germination percentage (GP), germination energy (GE), germination index (GI), mean germination time (MGT), germination rate (GR), shoot length (SL), root length (RL), and total dry weight (TDW)) to salt stress during the germination stage of 475 rice accessions to investigate their association with haplotypes. We found a total of 116 SNPs and 77 InDels in the whole gene region, representing 39 haplotypes.

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Squalene is an isoprenoid compound that acts as the intermediate metabolite in cholesterol synthesis. Squalene is not very susceptible to peroxidation, and it quenches singlet oxygen in the skin, which is caused by UV exposure and other ionizing radiation sources. Squalene is a precursor to phytosterol synthesis, and it has been widely studied for its ability to reduce oxidation, cancer activity, and cholesterol levels.

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Background: Rice is a major food resource for Asian countries including Korea. However, most Asian countries are facing food safety problems due to cropland contamination by heavy metals. Thus, this study was conducted to investigate genetic factors affecting the expression of cadmium (Cd) gene, and to confirm differences in Cd translocation among cultivars because the current molecular understanding of Cd uptake-transport mechanisms remains insufficient.

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Background: The domestication process of Asian rice (Oryza sativa L.) is complicated. It's well established that Oryza rufipogon is the ancestor of Asian rice, although the number of domestication events still controversial.

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Background: At least eight structurally related forms of vitamin E occur in nature, four tocopherols and four tocotrienols, all of which are potent membrane-soluble antioxidants. In this study, we detected two major isoforms in sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) seed: γ-tocopherol and β-tocotrienol.

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Background: Segregation distortion (SD) is a frequently observed occurrence in mapping populations generated from crosses involving divergent genotypes. In the present study, ten genetic linkage maps constructed from reciprocal F2 and BC1F1 mapping populations derived from the parents Dasanbyeo (indica) and Ilpumbyeo (japonica) were used to identify the distribution, effect, and magnitude of the genetic factors underlying the mechanisms of SD between the two subspecies.

Results: SD loci detected in the present study were affected by male function, female function, and zygotic selection.

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Plant height is an important agronomic trait that affects grain yield. Previously, we reported a novel semi-dominant dwarf mutant, HD1, derived from chemical mutagenesis using N-methyl-N-nitrosourea (MNU) on a japonica rice cultivar, Hwacheong. In this study, we cloned the gene responsible for the dwarf mutant using a map-based approach.

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Rice sucrose synthase 3 (RSUS3) is expressed predominantly in rice seed endosperm and is thought to play an important role in starch filling during the milky stage of rice seed ripening. Because the genetic diversity of this locus is not known yet, the full sequence of RSUS3 from 43 rice varieties was amplified to examine the distribution of DNA polymorphisms. A total of 254 sequence variants, including SNPs and insertion/deletions, were successfully identified in the 7733 bp sequence that comprises the promoter, exons and introns, and 3' downstream nontranscribed region (NTR).

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Panicle architecture in rice can have a strong influence on yield. Using N-methyl-N-nitrosourea mutagenesis, we isolated an erect panicle mutant, Hep, from Hwasunchalbyeo, a glutinous japonica rice cultivar. Genetic analysis revealed that the erect panicle phenotype was controlled by a single recessive mutation designated erect panicle 3 (ep3).

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Brown planthopper (BPH) is one of the most destructive insect pests of rice. Wild species of rice are a valuable source of resistance genes for developing resistant cultivars. A molecular marker-based genetic analysis of BPH resistance was conducted using an F(2) population derived from a cross between an introgression line, 'IR71033-121-15', from Oryza minuta (Accession number 101141) and a susceptible Korean japonica variety, 'Junambyeo'.

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Evaluation of eating quality in early breeding generations of rice is critical to developing varieties with better palatability. This paper reports DNA markers associated with eating quality of temperate japonica rice and an evaluation method aided by multiple regression analysis. A total of 30 markers comprising STSs, SNPs, and SSRs were tested for their association with palatability using 22 temperate japonica varieties with different palatability values.

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Comparison of maps and QTLs between populations may provide us with a better understanding of molecular maps and the inheritance of traits. We developed and used two reciprocal BC1F1 populations, IP/DS//IP and IP/DS//DS, for QTL analysis. DS (Dasanbyeo) is a Korean tongil-type cultivar (derived from an indica x japonica cross and similar to indica in its genetic make-up) and IP (Ilpumbyeo) is a Korean japonica cultivar.

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Hybrid breakdown (HB), a phenomenon of reduced viability or fertility accompanied with retarded growth in hybrid progenies, often arises in the offspring of intersubspecific hybrids between indica and japonica in rice. We detected HB plants in F8 recombinant inbred lines derived from the cross between an indica variety, Milyang 23, and a japonica variety, Tong 88-7. HB plants showed retarded growth, with fewer tillers and spikelets.

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A rice genic male-sterility gene ms-h is recessive and has a pleiotropic effect on the chalky endosperm. After fine mapping, nucleotide sequencing analysis of the ms-h gene revealed a single nucleotide substitution at the 3'-splice junction of the 14th intron of the UDP-glucose pyrophosphorylase 1 (UGPase1; EC2.7.

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Wild progenitor species provide potential gene sources for complex traits such as yield and multiple resistances to biotic and abiotic stresses, and thus are expected to contribute to sustainable food supplies. An introgression line 'IR71033-121-15' was derived from a wild species Oryza minuta (2n = 48, BBCC, Acc No. 101141) at IRRI.

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