Publications by authors named "Sanchez-Gil J"

Background: Glioblastoma (GBM) treatment is hindered by a dearth of representative mouse GBM preclinical models in immunocompetent mice. Here, we characterized 5 murine GBM stem-like cell (mGSC) models derived from lentivirus-induced tumors in transgenic mice that are driven by the activation of the Nf1-Ras signaling pathway and inactivation of Tp53.

Methods: MGSC lines (005, RIG, NF53, C1, and C3) were cultured as spheres in serum-free stem cell media.

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Purpose: Genetic testing is required to confirm a diagnosis of familial chylomicronemia syndrome (FCS). We assessed the pathogenicity of variants identified in the FCS canonical genes to diagnose FCS cases.

Methods: 245 patients with severe hypertriglyceridemia underwent next-generation sequencing.

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Potato vigour, the growth potential of seed potatoes, is a key agronomic trait that varies significantly across production fields due to factors such as genetic background and environmental conditions. Seed tuber microbiomes are thought to influence plant health and crop performance, yet the precise relationships between microbiome composition and potato vigour remain unclear. Here we conducted microbiome sequencing on seed tuber eyes and heel ends from 6 potato varieties grown in 240 fields.

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Background And Objective: Stroke remains a significant global concern, particularly as populations age and the incidence of stroke rises. Approximately one third of stroke survivors experience loss of autonomy, often leading to a decreased participation in rehabilitation due to economic, emotional, and social barriers. In response to these challenges, this study introduces PACTUS, an innovative gamified device designed for the rehabilitation of cognitive and motor functions in the upper limbs of patients with post-stroke.

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Bound states in the continuum (BICs) in metasurfaces have lately attracted a great deal of attention stemming from their inherent (formally) divergent factors, which lead to an enhancement of light-matter interaction in two-dimensional geometries. However, the development of plausible means to actively manipulate them remains a major challenge. The use of graphene layers has recently been suggested, employed either as a substrate or a coating that modifies the dielectric environment of the metasurface.

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Background And Objective: Rehabilitation after stroke is essential to minimize permanent disability. Gamification, the integration of game elements into non-game environments, has emerged as a promising strategy for increasing motivation and rehabilitation effectiveness. This article systematically reviews the gamified devices used in stroke rehabilitation and evaluates their impact on emotional, social, and personal effects on patients, providing a comprehensive view of gamified rehabilitation.

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Bound states in the continuum (BICs) in all-dielectric metasurfaces enhance light-matter interaction at the nanoscale due to their infinite factors and strong field confinement. Among a variety of phenomena already reported, their impact on chiral light has recently attracted great interest. Here we investigate the emergence of intrinsic and extrinsic optical chirality associated with the excitation of BICs in various metasurfaces made of Si nanorod dimers on a quartz substrate, comparing three cases: parallel nanorods (neutral) and shifted and slanted dimers, with/without index-matching superstrate.

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In the last years there have been multiple proposals in nanophotonics to mimic topological condensed matter systems. However, nanoparticles have degrees of freedom that atoms lack of, like dimensions or shape, which can be exploited to explore topology beyond electronics. Elongated nanoparticles can act like projectors of the electric field in the direction of the major axis.

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One of the most fundamental and relevant properties of a photonic system is the local density of optical states (LDOS) as it defines the rate at which an excited emitter dissipates energy by coupling to its surrounding. However, the direct determination of the LDOS is challenging as it requires measurements of the complex electric field of a point dipole at its own position. We introduce here a near-field setup which can measure the terahertz electric field amplitude at the position of a point source in the time domain.

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The Pseudomonas genus has shown great potential as a sustainable solution to support agriculture through its plant-growth-promoting and biocontrol activities. However, their efficacy as bioinoculants is limited by unpredictable colonization in natural conditions. Our study identifies the iol locus, a gene cluster in Pseudomonas involved in inositol catabolism, as a feature enriched among superior root colonizers in natural soil.

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Glioblastoma (GBM) is one of the most lethal cancers, having a poor prognosis and a median survival of only about 15 months with standard treatment (surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy), which has not been significantly extended in decades. GBM demonstrates remarkable cellular heterogeneity, with glioblastoma stem-like cells (GSCs) at the apex. GSCs are a subpopulation of GBM cells that possess the ability to self-renew, differentiate, initiate tumor formation, and manipulate the tumor microenvironment (TME).

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The root microbiome is shaped by plant root activity, which selects specific microbial taxa from the surrounding soil. This influence on the microorganisms and soil chemistry in the immediate vicinity of the roots has been referred to as the rhizosphere effect. Understanding the traits that make bacteria successful in the rhizosphere is critical for developing sustainable agriculture solutions.

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Article Synopsis
  • The study presents the first experimental evidence of exciton-polariton (EP) condensation at room temperature, achieved through a bound state in the continuum (BIC).
  • This was accomplished by combining stable excitons from an organic dye with long-lived BICs in a silicon nanoparticle metasurface.
  • The high stability of the BIC reduces radiation loss, allowing EPs to thermalize and condense at a significantly lower energy threshold (less than 5 μJ cm), which is much lower than what's seen in weaker coupling systems.
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A promising, sustainable way to enhance plant health and productivity is by leveraging beneficial microbes. Beneficial microbes are natural soil residents with proven benefits for plant performance and health. When applied in agriculture to improve crop yield and performance, these microbes are commonly referred to as bioinoculants.

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Quasi-bound states in the continuum (quasi-BICs) supported in all-dielectric metasurfaces (MTS) are known for their confinement in real space and the notably high values of the quality factor Q. Recently, the properties of quasi-BICs have been employed to achieve polarization conversion with all-dielectric MTS. However, one of the main disadvantages of the current approaches is the dependence on the chirality of either the meta-atoms or their disposition.

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Glioblastoma (GBM) is the most aggressive primary brain tumor in adults, which remains difficult to cure. The very high recurrence rate has been partly attributed to the presence of GBM stem-like cells (GSCs) within the tumors, which have been associated with elevated chemokine receptor 4 (CXCR4) expression. CXCR4 is frequently overexpressed in cancer tissues, including GBM, and usually correlates with a poor prognosis.

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Topological nanophotonics is a new avenue for exploring nanoscale systems from visible to THz frequencies, with unprecedented control. By embracing their complexity and fully utilizing the properties that make them distinct from electronic systems, we aim to study new topological phenomena. In this Perspective, we summarize the current state of the field and highlight the use of nanoparticle systems for exploring topological phases beyond electronic analogues.

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Bound states in the continuum (BICs) represent a new paradigm in photonics due to the full suppression of radiation losses. However, this suppression has also hampered the direct observation of them. By using a double terahertz (THz) near-field technique that allows the local excitation and detection of the THz amplitude, we are able to map for the first time the electromagnetic field amplitude and phase of BICs over extended areas, unveiling the field-symmetry protection that suppresses the far-field radiation.

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In recent years, optical forces and torques have been investigated in sub-wavelength evanescent fields yielding a rich phenomenology of fundamental and applied interest. Here we demonstrate analytically that guided modes carrying transverse spin density induce optical torques depending on the character, either electric or magnetic, of the dipolar particles. The existence of a nonzero longitudinal extraordinary linear spin momentum suitable to manipulate optical forces and torques modifies optical forces either enhancing or inhibiting radiation pressure.

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Resonant optical modes arising in all-dielectric metasurfaces have attracted much attention in recent years, especially when so-called bound states in the continuum (BICs) with diverging lifetimes are supported. With the aim of studying theoretically the emergence of BICs, we extend a coupled electric and magnetic dipole analytical formulation to deal with the proper metasurface Green function for the infinite lattice. Thereby, we show how to excite metasurface BICs, being able to address their near-field pattern through point-source excitation and their local density of states.

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Looking forward includes looking back every now and then. In 2007, David Weller looked back at 30 years of biocontrol of soil-borne pathogens by Pseudomonas and signified that the progress made over decades of research has provided a firm foundation to formulate current and future research questions. It has been recognized for more than a century that soil-borne microbes play a significant role in plant growth and health.

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The directionality and polarization of light show peculiar properties when the scattering by a dielectric sphere can be described exclusively by electric and magnetic dipolar modes. Particularly, when these modes oscillate in phase with equal amplitude, at the so-called first Kerker condition, the zero optical backscattering condition emerges for nondissipating spheres. However, the role of absorption and optical gain in the first Kerker condition remains unexplored.

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Solid-state room-temperature lasing with tunability in a wide range of wavelengths is desirable for many applications. To achieve this, besides an efficient gain material with a tunable emission wavelength, a high quality-factor optical cavity is essential. Here, we combine a film of colloidal CdSe/CdZnS core-shell nanoplatelets with square arrays of nanocylinders made of titanium dioxide to achieve optically pumped lasing at visible wavelengths and room temperature.

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