Publications by authors named "Samuel Dumith"

Background: Alcohol consumption during pregnancy poses serious risks to maternal and fetal health, making it a public health concern. This study sheds light on the sociodemographic disparities linked to alcohol use among pregnant women in Brazilian capital cities, highlighting vulnerable groups and regional variations. These findings underscore the urgent need to develop tailored preventive strategies to protect maternal and child health.

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The COVID-19 pandemic caused changes in life, affecting habits and behaviors, and one of its consequences is an increase in weight. We aimed to evaluate the association between remote work and weight gain during the COVID-19 pandemic in two cities in southern Brazil. A population-based cross-sectional study carried out in the southern region of Brazil.

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Objective: We aimed to analyze the frequency of adherence to social distancing and individual protection measures of adult and older populations in two cities in southern Brazil and to characterize the sociodemographic aspects of these individuals.

Methods: This cross-sectional, population-based study was conducted in the cities of Rio Grande, RS, and Criciúma, SC, Brazil. The outcome measure was the frequency of adherence to social distancing measures.

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This study aimed to evaluate the association between employment status and mental health, considering food insecurity as a mediator of this relation. A cross-sectional population-based study was conducted with adults (≥ 18 and < 60 years) during the COVID-19 outbreak in two cities from Southern Brazil. Employment status was categorized into working, not working, and lost job.

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Background: The COVID-19 pandemic necessitated the reorganization of health services to cater to the needs of individuals affected by the virus.

Objective: This study aimed to examine the association between musculoskeletal pain during and after SARS-CoV-2 infection and the utilization of health services among adults in southern Brazil.  METHODS: A cross-sectional study was conducted with individuals aged 18 years and older, who were diagnosed with COVID-19 between December 2020 and March 2021.

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Article Synopsis
  • The study aimed to explore the link between different types of exercise, leisure sports, and binge drinking among a large group of adults (718,147) using data from a nationwide survey.
  • Researchers found that outdoor walking/running was the most common exercise, and the rate of binge drinking varied by sport type, with team sports having the highest prevalence at 31.9%.
  • The results indicated that individuals engaging in strength training and team sports were more likely to binge drink, particularly among younger and single participants, suggesting that personal and social factors influence this behavior.
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Background: The objective of this study was to examine the association between physical activity during childhood and adolescence and the risk of all-cause mortality in midlife. We analyzed data from a birth cohort (The 1958 National Child Development Survey), including births in England, Wales and Scotland.

Methods: Physical activity was assessed using questionnaires at ages 7, 11 and 16.

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The scope of this article is to investigate the prevalence of the experience of forced sexual intercourse on life and its possible consequences on mental and sexual health among undergraduate students at a public university in Brazil. It is a quantitative cross-sectional study with 996 undergraduate students. Sampling was carried out systematically by single-stage clusters.

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To investigate factors associated with poor sleep quality. A cross-sectional study was conducted in 2019 with random sampling. Information on sleep was obtained using the Mini Sleep Questionnaire (MSQ).

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This article aims to investigate the association between remote work and Back Pain during the COVID-19 pandemic, and to analyze this relationship according to the body mass index. Population-based, cross-sectional study carried in two cities in southern Brazil, in individuals aged 18 years and over. Data were collected through household interviews from October to January 2020/21.

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Aim: To compare the physical activity pattern before and during the COVID-19 pandemic and verify the association with contextual, behavioral, and health variables related to the pandemic in adults and older adults from southern Brazil.

Subject And Methods: This is a panel-type, population-based study in Rio Grande-RS and Criciúma-SC, with 4290 individuals. The physical activity pattern (dependent variable) was measured using the International Physical Activity Questionnaire-IPAQ.

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Although there is evidence of an inverse relationship between stress and happiness, less is known about the interrelationship between income, happiness and stress. The purpose of this research brief was to investigate whether and how income and stress shape the distribution of happiness. A population-based cross-sectional study was conducted in the city of Rio Grande, Southern Brazil, with 1,168 individuals aged 18 years or older.

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Objective: To assess the prevalence of excessive use of social media and associated factors, as well as possible health consequences in high school students in southern Brazil.

Methods: This is a population-based cross-sectional study, conducted with high school students in the city of Rio Grande, RS. All students who were attending high school at the Federal Institute of Rio Grande do Sul, campus Rio Grande, were eligible for this research in the second semester of 2019.

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Fear is a reaction that can influence multiple aspects of health and life. During the Covid-19 pandemic, there have been serious pathophysiological, social, behavioral and mental consequences that can be related to fear. This study aimed to assess the fear of Covid-19 and its association with sociodemographic, behavioral and health variables.

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Background: This article describes the process and methods used in the development of the first ever Physical Activity Guidelines for the Brazilian Population.

Methods: The steering committee established 8 working groups based on other guidelines and the Brazilian agenda for public health and physical activity (PA) promotion: (1) understanding PA; (2) children up to 5 years; (3) children and youth (6-17 y); (4) adults; (5) older adults (60 years and above); (6) physical education at school; (7) pregnant and postpartum women; and (8) people with disabilities. Working groups were formed to (1) synthesize the literature on each topic; (2) conduct workshops with stakeholders, health professionals, researchers, and the public; and (3) prepare a draft chapter for open online consultation.

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Background: This article presents the recommendations from the Physical Activity Guidelines for the Brazilian Population.

Methods: A steering committee composed of a chair, 6 experts in physical activity, and representatives from the Ministry of Health/Brazil, Pan American Health Organization, Brazilian Society of Physical Activity and Health designed the guidelines, which was implemented by 8 working groups, as follows: (1) understanding physical activity, (2) children up to 5 years old, (3) children and youth from 6 to 17 years old, (4) adults, (5) older adults (60 years and above), (6) physical education at school, (7) pregnant and postpartum women, and (8) people with disabilities. The methodological steps included evidence syntheses, hearings with key stakeholders, and public consultation.

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The Covid-19 pandemic is related to increased alcohol consumption and smoking. These behaviors may be related to several sociodemographic, behavioral and mental health factors. Thus, the aim of this study was to assess the association between alcohol consumption and cigarette smoking with sociodemographic, behavioral and mental health characteristics.

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This article aims to measure socioeconomic inequalities regarding access to health services, contact with health professionals, and specific health interventions. This was a cross-sectional population-based study with individuals aged 18 years or older, living in the city of Rio Grande. The outcomes were the following: Family Health Strategy (FHS) coverage; having a health insurance plan; receiving a visit of a community health worker; medical consultation; dental consultation; dietary counseling; having a class with a physical education professional; flu vaccination; mammography, cytopathological and prostate exams.

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Introduction: The academic environment can negatively impact the mental health of undergraduate students, particularly in the context of the coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19) pandemic. This study aimed to describe the methodological and operational aspects of a study of the health and well-being of undergraduate students: the Study on the Health and Wellness of Undergraduate Students (SABES-Grad) project.

Method: This was a nationwide cross-sectional study divided across two data collection strategies: a single-center, on-site data collection carried out in 2019 at the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande (FURG) and a multicenter, multilevel, online data collection carried out in 2020/2021 at FURG, the Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF), the Universidade Federal do Mato Grosso (UFMT), the Universidade do Estado do Amazonas (UEA), and the Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco (UFRPE).

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Introduction: The long-term impact of physical activity during early life on the risk of depression in later stages of adulthood remains unclear. This study examines the association between physical activity during childhood and adolescence and the incidence of depressive symptoms in early, middle, and late adulthood.

Methods: Data from a birth cohort (the 1958 National Child Development Survey), including births (N=17,415) in England, Wales, and Scotland, were used.

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Brazil has the second highest age-standardized prevalence of Alzheimer's disease worldwide. However, information about Alzheimer's disease-related hospitalizations in Brazil is scarce despite its economic and social impact. We described temporal trends in hospitalizations related to Alzheimer's disease in Brazil from 2010 to 2019.

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Introduction: There are several negative impacts on the physical and mental health of people presenting internet addiction, including development of mood disorders, such as depression.

Objective: The aim of the study was to evaluate the association between internet addiction and depressive symptoms, as well as to test the mediating role of physical activity in this association.

Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted with undergraduate students from three universities (one private and two public institutions) in southern Brazil.

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