Objective: To report on a case of heterotopic triplet pregnancy after in utero transfer of three embryos obtained by in vitro fertilization (IVF), with progression of the intrauterine twin pregnancy after resection of the cornual pregnancy.
Design: Technique and instrumentation.
Setting: Département de Médecine de la Reproduction, Hôpital Edouard Herriot, Lyon, France.
Background: Standard sperm characteristics are poor predictors of the outcome of IVF treatments. On the contrary, sperm genome quality has been emphasized for several years as playing a major role in early embryogenesis, thus in the success of IVF attempt.
Methods: Sperm DNA fragmentation from a selected group of 104 couples undergoing assisted reproductive techniques (ART) (IVF: n = 50; and ICSI: n = 54) was measured by TUNEL assay and correlated with semen and ART outcomes.