To determine microbial evolutionary strategies to low-pressure (LP; 5 kPa) growth, an environmental condition not experienced on Earth until ∼20 km in altitude, a previously described evolutionary experiment was conducted. The resulting LP evolved strain WN1106, isolated from the terminus of the experiment, was shown to have several genomic mutations absent in the ancestral strain, WN624. Three of the mutations were in regulatory genes: , , and .
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWhether terrestrial life can withstand the martian environment is of paramount interest for planetary protection measures and space exploration. To understand microbial survival potential in Mars-like conditions, several fungal and bacterial samples were launched in September 2019 on a large NASA scientific balloon flight to the middle stratosphere (∼38 km altitude) where radiation levels resembled values at the equatorial Mars surface. Fungal spores of and bacterial cells of , subsp.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFTo explore how airborne microbial patterns change with height above the Earth's surface, we flew NASA's C-20A aircraft on two consecutive days in June 2018 along identical flight paths over the US Sierra Nevada mountain range at four different altitudes ranging from 10,000 ft to 40,000 ft. Bioaerosols were analyzed by metagenomic DNA sequencing and traditional culturing methods to characterize the composition and diversity of atmospheric samples compared to experimental controls. The relative abundance of taxa changed significantly at each altitude sampled, and the diversity profile shifted across the two sampling days, revealing a regional atmospheric microbiome that is dynamically changing.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAfrican dust from the Sahara and Sahel regions of Northern Africa is blown intercontinental distances and is the highest portion of atmospheric dust generated each year. During the Northern Hemisphere summer months (boreal summer), these dust events travel into the Caribbean and southern United States. While viability assays, microscopy and bacterial amplicon analyses have shown that dust-associated microbes may be diverse, the specific microbial taxa that are transported intercontinental distances with these dust events remain poorly characterized.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFKnowledge of how microorganisms respond and adapt to low-pressure (LP) environments is limited. Previously, Bacillus subtilis strain WN624 was grown at the near-inhibitory LP of 5 kPa for 1,000 generations and strain WN1106, which exhibited increased relative fitness at 5 kPa, was isolated. Genomic sequence differences between ancestral strain WN624 and LP-evolved strain WN1106 were identified using whole-genome sequencing.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFStudies of how microorganisms respond to pressure have been limited mostly to the extreme high pressures of the deep sea (i.e., the piezosphere).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe atmospheric pressure on Mars ranges from 1-10 mbar, about 1% of Earth pressure (∼1013 mbar). Low pressure is a growth-inhibitory factor for terrestrial microorganisms on Mars, and a putative low-pressure barrier for growth of Earth bacteria of ∼25 mbar has been postulated. In a previous communication, we described the isolation of a strain of Bacillus subtilis that had evolved enhanced growth ability at the near-inhibitory low pressure of 50 mbar.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFGrowth of Bacillus subtilis cells, normally adapted at Earth-normal atmospheric pressure (∼101.3 kPa), was progressively inhibited by lowering of pressure in liquid LB medium until growth essentially ceased at 2.5 kPa.
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