Objectives: To investigate environmental, personal, and hereditary risk factors associated with the occurrence of intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasms of the pancreas (IPMNs).
Methods: Multicentre case-control study. Risk factors were identified from a questionnaire collecting data on family and medical history, and environmental factors.
Background: Radiofrequency ablation (RFA) is a relatively new technique, applied to metastatic solid tumours which, in recent studies, has been shown to be feasible and safe on locally advanced pancreatic carcinoma (LAPC). RFA can be combined with radio-chemotherapy (RCT) and intra-arterial plus systemic chemotherapy (IASC). The aim of this study was to investigate the impact on the prognosis of a multimodal approach to LAPC and define the best timing of RFA.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFCystic lesions of the pancreas are increasingly recognized. While some lesions show benign behaviour (serous cystic neoplasm), others have an unequivocal malignant potential (mucinous cystic neoplasm, branch- and main duct intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasm and solid pseudo-papillary neoplasm). European expert pancreatologists provide updated recommendations: diagnostic computerized tomography and/or magnetic resonance imaging are indicated in all patients with cystic lesion of the pancreas.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: The prevalence of diabetes mellitus (DM) in patients with pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) ranges from 20 to 80%. In patients undergoing resection, it is unclear whether DM impacts on clinically relevant pancreatic fistula (CR-PF).
Methods: To address this issue, data from 602 consecutive partial pancreatic resections were analyzed using univariate and multivariate models.
Introduction: Mucinous cystic neoplasm (MCN) and solid pseudopapillary neoplasm (SPN) of the pancreas are uncommon hormone-related pancreatic tumors (HRPTs) with a clear predominance in young women. This trial aims to investigate the possible association between HRPTs development in males and phenotypic and sex hormone alterations.
Methods: We performed a retrospective analysis of our database between February 1990 and February 2012.
Evidence-based perioperative management is important for a successful outcome after pancreatic surgery. Use of protocolized pathways of care based on fast-track concepts has been shown to reduce hospital stay and contain costs. These regimens include pain control, early device removal (nasogastric tube, abdominal drains), enforced early mobilization, and early oral feeding.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Stage III pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) has a poor prognosis, with the results of chemoradiation being disappointing. Radiofrequency is an ablation technique employed in many unresectable solid tumours, but its application to pancreatic cancer is limited. We report our experience of radiofrequency ablation (RFA) with cytoreductive intent in stage III PDAC.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPurpose: The aims of this paper were to evaluate the clinical features of patients with primary duodenal adenocarcinoma and to address the prognostic relevance of different surgical and pathological variables after potentially curative pancreaticoduodenectomy.
Methods: Patients with primary duodenal adenocarcinoma observed from 2000 through 2009 were identified from a single-institution electronic database. Univariate and multivariate analyses were performed to identify factors associated with survival.
Background: Current guidelines for the management of pancreatic cystic neoplasms are based on the assumption that these lesions can be classified correctly on the basis of features of cross-sectional imaging. However, a certain degree of overlap between different lesions exists, and little is known about the rate of inaccurate preoperative diagnoses. To address this issue, preoperative and final pathologic diagnoses of patients resected for a presumed pancreatic cystic neoplasm were compared.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPurpose: The authors sought to determine magnetic resonance/magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography (MR/MRCP) imaging features of incidentally discovered benign, noncommunicating cystic neoplasms (BNCNs) of the pancreas to assess their evolution over time and identify MR/MRCP imaging features predictive of tumour growth.
Material And Methods: This was a retrospective study, so informed consent was waived. Sixty-two patients with a diagnosis of BNCN were assessed.
Background: Radiofrequency ablation (RFA) is an emerging treatment for patients with locally advanced pancreatic carcinoma, and can be combined with radiochemotherapy and intra-arterial plus systemic chemotherapy.
Methods: This observational study compared two groups of patients with locally advanced pancreatic carcinoma treated with either primary RFA (group 1) or RFA following any other primary treatment (group 2).
Results: Between February 2007 and May 2010, 107 consecutive patients were treated with RFA.
Background And Aims: The natural history and growth pattern of pancreatic serous cystic neoplasms (SCNs) are not well understood. This study was designed in order to get insight into the growth rate of SCNs and to suggest recommendations for their management.
Methods: Patients with well-documented incidentally discovered or minimally symptomatic SCNs who underwent yearly surveillance MRI were analysed using a linear mixed model.
J Hepatobiliary Pancreat Sci
November 2011
Background: Placement of intraperitoneal drain (ID) after abdominal surgery is a common practice. Postoperative pancreatic fistula (POPF), incidence of which ranges from 2% to more than 30%, represents the most common major complication after pancreatic resection. The goal of this paper is to review the state of the art in ID management after pancreatic resection.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma is the fourth leading cause of cancer-related mortality in the Western world. The current treatment is multimodal, and in resectable patients radical surgery represents the key-step toward long-term survival. Pancreaticoduodenectomy (PD) is the most widely performed operation, because the majority of ductal carcinomas arise in the head of the pancreas.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIn the last decade, intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasms (IPMNs) have become commonly diagnosed. From a morphological standpoint, they are classified in main-duct IPMNs (MD-IPMNs) and branch-duct IPMNs (BD-IPMNs), depending on the type of involvement of the pancreatic ductal system by the neoplasm. Despite the fact that our understanding of their natural history is still incomplete, recent data indicate that MD-IPMNs and BD-IPMNs show significant differences in terms of biological behaviour with MD-IPMNs at higher risk of malignant degeneration.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFObjectives: This study evaluates the incidence and clinical features and associated risk factors of delayed gastric emptying (DGE) after pancreaticoduodenectomy, employing the International Study Group of Pancreatic Surgery (ISGPS) consensus definition.
Methods: Demographic, pathological and surgical details for 260 consecutive patients who underwent pylorus-preserving pancreaticoduodenectomy at a single institution were analysed using univariate and multivariate models.
Results: Postoperative complications occurred in 108 (41.
Mucopolysaccharidosis type II (MPSII), or Hunter syndrome, is a devastating disorder associated with a shortened life expectancy. Patients affected by MPSII have a variety of symptoms that affect all organs of the body and may include progressive cognitive impairment. MPSII is due to inactivity of the enzyme iduronate-2-sulfatase (IDS), which results in the accumulation of storage material in the lysosomes, such as dermatan and heparan sulfates, with consequent cell degeneration in all tissues including, in the severe phenotype, neurodegeneration in the central nervous system (CNS).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Solid pseudopapillary tumors (SPTs) are rare pancreatic neoplasms of low malignant potential that occur mainly in young women. Only 17 cases of SPT treated laparoscopically have been published in the literature and long-term follow-up data are still lacking.
Methods: Retrospective analysis of ten patients (8 women, 2 men; mean age, 25.
Purpose: To evaluate the ARFI ultrasound imaging with Virtual Touch tissue quantification in studying pancreatic cystic lesions, compared with phantom fluid models.
Materials And Methods: Different phantom fluids at different viscosity or density (water, iodinate contrast agent, and oil) were evaluated by two independent operators. From September to December 2008, 23 pancreatic cystic lesions were prospectively studied.
Summary Of Background Data: The role of surgically placed intra-abdominal drainages after pancreatic resections has not been clearly established. In particular, their effect on morbidity rates and the optimal timing for their removal remains controversial.
Methods: A total of 114 eligible patients who underwent standard pancreatic resections and at low risk of postoperative pancreatic fistula according to our institutional protocol (amylase value in drains < or =5000 U/L on postoperative day [POD] 1) were randomized on POD 3 to receive either early (POD 3) or standard drain removal (POD 5 or beyond).
Background And Objectives: In recent years there has been an increase in the diagnosis of cystic tumors of the pancreas. In this setting, difficult diagnostic problems and different therapeutic management can be proposed.
Material And Methods: A review of the literature and authors experience were undertaken.
Background: Total pancreatectomy (TP) has been performed rarely in the past because of its high morbidity and mortality. Because outcomes of pancreatic surgery as well as management of pancreatic insufficiency have improved markedly, enthusiasm for TP has an increased.
Methods: Between 1996 and 2008, 65 patients (33 females, 32 males; median age, 63 years) underwent TP at a single, high-volume center.
Introduction: Intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasms (IPMNs) are being increasingly recognized, and often harbor cancer. Lymph node metastases are an important prognostic factor for patients with invasive intraductal papillary carcinoma (I-IPMC), but the role of lymph node ratio (LNR) in predicting survival after surgery for I-IPMC is unknown.
Methods: The combined databases from the Surgical Department of Massachusetts General Hospital of Boston and the University of Verona were queried.