Publications by authors named "Sahariah S"

Worldwide trends to delay childbearing have increased parental ages at birth. Older parental age may harm offspring health, but mechanisms remain unclear. Alterations in offspring DNA methylation (DNAm) patterns could play a role as aging has been associated with methylation changes in gametes of older individuals.

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  • Human height is primarily determined by genetics, but this study explores how modifiable epigenetic factors, specifically blood DNA methylation, influence child height in low and middle-income countries (LMIC).
  • The research identifies a significant link between DNA methylation in the SOCS3 gene and child height, with findings replicating in a high-income country cohort, showing that this effect is independent of genetic factors.
  • Analysis reveals that SOCS3 methylation explains up to 9.5% of height variance in mid-childhood and is influenced by prenatal maternal folate and socio-economic status, highlighting the potential role of epigenetic modifications in child growth in LMIC.
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Background: Maternal nutrition influences fetal development and may permanently alter ("program") offspring body composition and metabolism, thereby influencing later risk of diabetes and cardiovascular (cardiometabolic) disease. The prevalence of cardiometabolic disease is rising rapidly in India.

Objectives: To test the hypothesis that supplementing low-income Indian women with micronutrient-rich foods preconceptionally and during pregnancy has a beneficial impact on the children's body composition and cardiometabolic risk marker profiles.

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Air pollution is a global public health threat. Evidence suggests that increased air pollution leads to increased cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. The aim of this review was to systematically review and synthesize scientific evidence to understand the effect of performing outdoor physical activity (PA) in a polluted environment on cardiovascular outcomes.

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Size at birth is known to be influenced by various fetal and maternal factors, including genetic effects. South Asians have a high burden of low birth weight and cardiometabolic diseases, yet studies of common genetic variations underpinning these phenotypes are lacking. We generated independent, weighted fetal genetic scores (fGSs) and maternal genetic scores (mGSs) from 196 birth weight-associated variants identified in Europeans and conducted an association analysis with various fetal birth parameters and anthropometric and cardiometabolic traits measured at different follow-up stages (5-6-year intervals) from seven Indian and Bangladeshi cohorts of South Asian ancestry.

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Background: Maternal nutrition influences fetal development and may permanently alter ("program") offspring body composition and metabolism, thereby influencing later risk of diabetes and cardiovascular (cardiometabolic) disease. The prevalence of cardiometabolic disease is rising rapidly in India.

Objectives: To test the hypothesis that supplementing low-income Indian women with micronutrient-rich foods preconceptionally and during pregnancy has a beneficial impact on the children's body composition and cardiometabolic risk marker profiles.

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Background: The prevalence of cardiometabolic disease (CMD) is rising globally, with environmentally induced epigenetic changes suggested to play a role. Few studies have investigated epigenetic associations with CMD risk factors in children from low- and middle-income countries. We sought to identify associations between DNA methylation (DNAm) and CMD risk factors in children from India and The Gambia.

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  • The Healthy Life Trajectories Initiative is a global project with trials designed to see if interventions starting before conception can lower the chances of non-communicable diseases in children, specifically detailing the Indian study.
  • In Mysore, around 6,000 women will participate in a cluster-randomized trial with three groups focusing on different stages of pregnancy; the intervention includes nutritional support, parenting programs, lifestyle changes, and pollution reduction.
  • The main goal is to measure children's fat mass at age 5, while also looking at various health markers and outcomes, with plans to share findings with relevant policymakers and publish results in academic journals.
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Objective: Adolescent diet, physical activity and nutritional status are generally known to be sub-optimal. This is an introduction to a special issue of papers devoted to exploring factors affecting diet and physical activity in adolescents, including food insecure and vulnerable groups.

Setting: Eight settings including urban, peri-urban and rural across sites from five different low- and middle-income countries.

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Background: Maternal nutrition in pregnancy has been linked to offspring health in early and later life, with changes to DNA methylation (DNAm) proposed as a mediating mechanism.

Objective: We investigated intervention-associated DNAm changes in children whose mothers participated in 2 randomized controlled trials of micronutrient supplementation before and during pregnancy, as part of the EMPHASIS (Epigenetic Mechanisms linking Preconceptional nutrition and Health Assessed in India and sub-Saharan Africa) study (ISRCTN14266771).

Design: We conducted epigenome-wide association studies with blood samples from Indian (n = 698) and Gambian (n = 293) children using the Illumina EPIC array and a targeted study of selected loci not on the array.

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Objective: To explore influences on the diet and physical activity of adolescents living in Mumbai slums, from the perspectives of adolescents and their caregivers.

Design: Three investigators from Mumbai conducted six focus group discussions.

Setting: The study was conducted in suburban Mumbai slums.

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Background: Diets in rural India are cereal based with low intakes of micronutrient-rich foods. The value chains for nutrition approach aims to study supply and demand of such foods. This may aid in development of interventions to improve diets and livelihoods.

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Objectives: To (1) describe micronutrient intakes among women of reproductive age living in Mumbai slums; (2) assess the adequacy of these intakes compared with reference values; (3) identify important dietary sources of micronutrients.

Subjects/methods: Participants were 6426 non-pregnant women aged 16-39 years, registered in a randomised controlled trial of a food-based intervention set in the Bandra, Khar and Andheri areas of Mumbai, India. Cross-sectional quantified food frequency questionnaire (FFQ) data were collected.

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Background: Micronutrient deficiencies have been a serious public health problem among women of reproductive age in low- and middle-income countries including India, adversely affecting maternal and child health and human capital outcomes. Fruit and vegetables are important sources of micronutrients, and consumption of these foods is less than recommendations.

Objective: The objective of this study was to identify perceived barriers and facilitators to fruit and vegetable consumption among women of reproductive age living in rural communities in the State of Maharashtra, India.

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Background: Young maternal age is associated with poorer birth outcomes, but the mechanisms are incompletely understood. Using data from a prospective cohort of pregnant women living in Mumbai slums, India, we tested whether lower maternal age was associated with adverse fetal growth.

Methods: Fetal crown-rump length (CRL) was recorded at a median (interquartile range, IQR) of 10 weeks' gestation (9-10 weeks).

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Background And Objectives: There are few data on the fatty acid status of non-pregnant Indian women. Our objective was to investigate the effect of a snack containing green leafy vegetables (GLVs) on women's erythrocyte long chain polyunsaturated fatty acid status (LCPUFA).

Methods And Study Design: Non-pregnant women (n=222) aged 14-35 years from Mumbai slums were randomized to consume a snack containing GLVs, fruit and milk (treatment) or a control snack containing foods of low micronutrient content such as potato and onion, daily under observation.

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Early life nutrition may affect individuals' susceptibility to adult non-communicable diseases (NCD). Psychological stress is a well-recognised NCD risk factor. Recent evidence suggests that impaired foetal nutrition alters neuro-endocrine pathways, and hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis feedback systems, resulting in abnormal stress responses, and NCD risk.

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Informal urban settlements, known as slums, are the home for a large proportion of the world population. Healthcare in these environments is extremely complex, driven by poverty, environmental challenges, and poor access to formal health infrastructures. This study investigated healthcare challenges faced and choices made by slum dwellers in Mumbai, India.

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Prevalence of hepatitis C infection, which is associated with mortality and morbidity, is higher in chronic kidney disease patients on hemodialysis and transplant recipients when compared to non HCV infected patients. In addition to the conventional risk factors, HCV infection maybe an additional risk factor in the development of chronic kidney disease. HCV causes adverse effects leading to the poor long term outcome in renal transplant recipients; hepatitis C infection can cause both hepatic as well as extra hepatic complications.

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Background: Animal studies have shown that nutritional exposures during pregnancy can modify epigenetic marks regulating fetal development and susceptibility to later disease, providing a plausible mechanism to explain the developmental origins of health and disease. Human observational studies have shown that maternal peri-conceptional diet predicts DNA methylation in offspring. However, a causal pathway from maternal diet, through changes in DNA methylation, to later health outcomes has yet to be established.

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Vitamin B12 is an important cofactor in one-carbon metabolism whose dysregulation is associated with various clinical conditions. Indians have a high prevalence of B12 deficiency but little is known about the genetic determinants of circulating B12 concentrations in Indians. We performed a genome-wide association study in 1001 healthy participants in the Pune Maternal Nutrition Study (PMNS), replication studies in 3418 individuals from other Indian cohorts and by meta-analysis identified new variants, rs3760775 (P = 1.

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Improving micronutrient intakes of under-nourished mothers in low- and middle-income countries increases birth weight, but there is little data on the nature and timing during gestation of any effects on fetal growth. Ultrasound measures of fetal size were used to determine whether and when a food-based supplement affected fetal growth. Non-pregnant women living in Mumbai slums, India (N = 6,513), were randomly assigned to receive either a daily micronutrient-rich snack containing green leafy vegetables, fruit, and milk (treatment) or a snack made from lower-micronutrient vegetables (control) in addition to their usual diet from before pregnancy until delivery.

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Background: Prospective observational studies suggest that maternal diets rich in leafy green vegetables and fruit may help prevent gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM).

Objective: Our objective was to test whether increasing women's dietary intake of leafy green vegetables, fruit, and milk before conception and throughout pregnancy reduced their risk of GDM.

Methods: Project SARAS ("excellent") (2006-2012) was a nonblinded, individually randomized, controlled trial in women living in slums in the city of Mumbai, India.

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Achievement of an immunosuppression-free condition defined as clinical operational tolerance is an ideal goal. We hereby report a case of clinical operational tolerance in a patient whose allograft is functioning normally, without immunosuppression, for more than 3 years. The patient withdrew from immunosuppression in 2011 following which his serum creatinine was 1.

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