Publications by authors named "Sabgaĭda T"

The mortality is a major component of damage caused by COVID-19. The comparative analysis of changes in mortality was carried out on the basis of the ROSSTAT data over 2012-2020 to determine differences in losses of male and female population caused by pandemic in Moscow. It is demonstrated that at close trends in mortality of males and females before pandemic, in 2020 their mortality changed differently.

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Approaches to assessing the role of health care in reducing mortality in Russia from the standpoint of controlling manageable causes are discussed. Based on the concept of avoidable mortality, trends in regional variability of mortality, the nosological and gender characteristics for the years 2000-2019 have been analyzed. The patterns revealed indicate the following: a significant contribution of medicine and health care to the decrease in the premature reduction in the life expectancy of the population, the expediency of developing a regional classification of the list of avoidable causes of mortality, and the decisive role of prevention and the improvement of the lifestyle of the population of young and middle ages in the past two decades against the background of a slow increase in the capacity of clinical medicine in the diagnostics and treatment of diseases.

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The article analyzes structure of forensic medical research of persons older than working age and its change during period of improving social and economic situation in the country. Persons whose causes of death are determined by forensic medical examination are considered as a deviant group of people who did not adapt to changing socio-cultural conditions and to age changes. That was manifested in causes and circumstances of death (external causes, death at home without witnesses, death on street or in hospital without examination).

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Methods: We report trends and patterns of percutaneous cardiovascular interventions (PCI) by region for 2005-2009, with more detailed data on management of myocardial infarctions in 2009-2103, relating them to regional economic development and changes in mortality from myocardial infarction.

Results: PCIs per 100,000 population increased from 8.7 in 2005-71.

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Restructuring the health care system and the epidemiological situation associated with tuberculosis result in an increased burden on the bacteriological laboratories (BLs) of tuberculosis facilities. At present, there are no statistical data that enable one to estimate the capacity of a laboratory service to assure the adequate quality and efficiency of bacteriological diagnosis. To assess the state of the headquarters BLs of tuberculosis facilities, the authors have worked out a questionnaire to glean necessary information on the activity of the laboratories to such an extent that suffices to reveal cardinal problems in the work of individual laboratories and the laboratory network as a whole.

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Official national statistics show a gradual decline in the incidence of trichinellosis in Russia from 971 cases in 1996 to 527 cases in 2002. Of the total 864 cases involved in 47 trichinellosis outbreaks during 1998--2002, only 35.8% were due to infected pork compared to 80% in 1995--1996.

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Malaria does not belong to a group of diseases that are markers of HIV infection; a combined transmission of malaria and HIV infection does not occur (except for cases of vertical and syringe-associated transmission of causative organisms), but HIV infection is more common in the malaria-endemic areas since both diseases are socially related. Expansion of both infections is associated with the same social processes in society. This paper analyzes the relationship of the spread of HIV-infection to the routes of migration of narcotic agents in case of Russia, by comparing the spread of HIV infection with the regional distribution of cases of malaria imported by Tadjikistan inhabitants.

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Dirofilaria repens Railliet et Henry, 1911 was for the first time studied in the Moscow Region where 11 patients (6 males and 5 females) aged 4-72 years were recorded in 2000-2002. The geographical distribution (the southern and south-eastern parts of the region) of local cases of dirofiliriasis, was observed. There was a relatively high rate of D.

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The combined transmission of P. vivax phenotypes was studied. The phenotypes were determined by the duration of a latent parasitic development stage by comparing the intervals from first manifestations of malaria with short- and long-term incubations to its relapse.

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Higher Plasmodium falciparum virulence is one of the major factors that contributes to the development of severe malaria and leads to death. However, the nature of virulence and its time course are not so far fully understood. The authors have made a published data-based hypothesis that the virulence of P.

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The spectrum of Plasmodium vivax subpopulations could be evaluated by analyzing the results of experimental studies of late relapses in P. vivax malaria in north-western Delhi. The spectra of the subpopulations causing late recurrences were different for malaria with short-and longterm incubations.

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Catching ticks on the attractant-moistened napkins and on the flag (control) under field conditions during 5 days has demonstrated that a population of taiga ticks on the treated areas can be killed within 1-2 weeks when attractive-acaricidal granules are applied.

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The new mathematical model of P. falciparum malaria has been created. One means the operational forecast of epidemic process when different control measures are realized.

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The paper describes procedures for stratifying malariogenic areas that are homogeneous in the development pattern for epidemic stratum rises, which will be used to design a set of mathematical malaria spread models. The first stage of the procedures is to stratify P. falciparum and P.

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Soil of 20% of economic districts of Russian Federation is slightly polluted by helminths (10 eggs per kg of soil), 64% is moderately polluted (11-100 eggs per kg), 16% much polluted (more 100 eggs per kg). Soil of agricultural fields is polluted 2-3 times more because of use of sewage and their sediments. Recommendations on protection of soil from pollution by helminths are given.

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Cluster analysis of malaria incidence in Guyana revealed a relationship between population migration intensity and increased rate of P falciparum infection. Such a relationship was not detected for P. vivax malaria.

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Suggests a simple model for calculation of ascariasis invasion rate in the population living in temperate climate foci, based on a single copro-ovoscopic examination over the entire epidemic season or a certain period. Describes a method for model construction for various epidemic conditions and a computer program realizing this method. The model is applicable for operative assessment of current ascariasis infection rate and for planning preventive measures.

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Comparative trials of pirantel analogs--combatrin (Pfizer, Philippines) and embovin (Russia) were carried out in a hyperendemic focus of intestinal nematodoses in Vietnam. The drugs were prescribed in a single dose of 10 mg/kg. No significant differences in the efficacies of the drugs were revealed: combatrin and embovin efficacies in ascariasis were 94.

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The correlations between blood eosinophils, serum immunoglobulins (Ig), circulating immune complexes (CIC) content, alpha- and gamma-interferon (IFN) production and HLA class I antigens were analyzed in 33 patients with hydatid disease aged 37.5 +/- 1.5 years.

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Trials of biltricide (Merck, India) and azinox, its analog manufactured in this country, carried out in a mixed focus of clonorchiasis and intestinal nematodiases in Vietnam, have not shown any noticeable difference in the efficacy and tolerance of these drugs, that were administered for 3 days in total doses of 60 and 75 mg/kg. The mean efficacy of clonorchiasis therapy was 59.2%, and the invasion intensity reduced by more than 98%.

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