Publications by authors named "Saad W"

To determine if prolactin secreted endogenously by anterior pituitary grafts could augment male accessory organ weights, single anterior pituitary grafts were placed under the kidney capsule of male rats, whereas control animals received a graft of muscle. Three weeks after transplantation, the animals were sacrificed by decapitation and a significant increase in plasma prolactin was observed, which was accompanied by a highly significant increase in the weights of seminal vesicles, ventral and dorsal prostates, and adrenals. To determine the importance of testicular steroids in the response, animals were castrated.

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The effects of adrenergic stimulation of the lateral hypothalamic area on sodium and potassium excretion were studied in rats bearing implanted cannulae. When noradrenaline was injected into several points of the lateral hypothalamic area, a dose-related increase in natriuresis and kaliuresis was observed. Rats previously injected through the same cannulae with alpha (Regitine) or beta (Propranolol) blocking agents showed different natriuretic responses when injected with noradrenaline.

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Two experiments were carried out to observe the effect of the application of an anticholinesterasic agent on water and food intake in rats. The first studied the effect of fenitrothion injected into the L.H.

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The effect of intraseptal injection of carbachol and nicotine on urinary output of Na+ and K+ in untreated rats as well as in animals pretreated with locally injected atropine, hexamethonium, dibenamine and propranolol was studied in order to evaluate the relative role played by central muscarinic and nicotinic receptors in the regulation of salt and water renal excretion. The injection of 30-250 nmol of nicotine into the medial septal area caused a dose-dependent increase in Na+ and K+ urinary output whereas urine volume was little affected. The effect of 30 nmol of nicotine was blocked by pretreatment with 100 nmol of hexamethonium.

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Urinary output of Na+ and K+, and volume of urine have been studied in conscious, unrestrained, water-loaded male rats following the intraseptal injection of catecholamines. Natriuresis and kaliuresis increased after injecting noradrenaline (NA), the intensity being dose related. The dose-response curve suggests that a monomolecular interacting takes place between NA and pharmacological receptors present in the septal area.

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The effects of intraseptal injection of carbachol on natriuresis, kaliuresis and diuresis has been studied in conscious, unrestrained water-loaded male rats. Urinary sodium and potassium excretion increased following injections into the septal area. The intensity of the natriuresis and kaliuresis was dose-related.

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