Publications by authors named "STOECKENIUS W"

During the extended lifetime of the O-state in bacteriorhodopsin (bR) mutant L93A, two substates have been distinguished. The first O-intermediate (OI) is in rapid equilibrium with N and apparently still has a 13-cis chromophore. OI undergoes a photoreaction with a small absorbance change, positive charge transport in the pumping direction, and proton release and uptake.

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In the photocycle of bacteriorhodopsin (bR) from Halobacterium salinarum mutant L93A, the O-intermediate accumulates and the cycling time is increased approximately 200 times. Nevertheless, under continuous illumination, the protein pumps protons at near wild-type rates. We excited the mutant L93A in purple membrane with single or triple laser flashes and quasicontinuous illumination, (i.

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We have recently introduced a method, made possible by an improved orienting technique using a combination of electric and magnetic fields, that allows the three-dimensional detection of the intramolecular charge displacements during the photocycle of bacteriorhodopsin. This method generates electric asymmetry, a prerequisite for the detection of electric signal on the macroscopic sample, in all three spatial dimensions. Purple membrane fragments containing bacteriorhodopsin were oriented so that their permanent electric dipole moment vectors were perpendicular to the membrane plane and pointed in the same direction.

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Photoselection measurements with moderate excitation intensity on bacteriorhodopsin (bR) immobilized in a polyacrylamide gel soaked in 3 M KCl in the pH range 8.0-9.5 resulted in an unusual time-dependent anisotropy.

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A fitting analysis resolved the kinetics in the microsecond to second time range of the absorption changes in the bacteriorhodopsin photocycle at pH = 8.0-9.5 in 3 M KCl into seven exponential components.

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The orientation of purple membrane in gels for photoelectric measurements is relatively poor, when they are prepared with the standard technique of applying a DC electric field and rapid polymerization. We have improved it by adding a high magnetic field (17.5 T) and increasing the viscosity of the membrane suspension.

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Sensory rhodopsin I (sR-I) is a phototaxis receptor in halobacteria, which is closely related to the light-driven proton pump bacteriorhodopsin and the chloride pump halorhodopsin found in the same organisms. The three pigments undergo similar cyclic photoreactions, in spite of their different functions. In intact cells or isolated membranes sR-I is complexed with protein HtrI, the next link in the signal transduction chain, and does not function as an electrogenic ion pump.

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Freshly-prepared blue membranes from Halobacterium halobium, previously reported to be disordered, are shown to have a distinct crystal lattice structure, slightly different from the native form. The lattice of the blue form is disrupted irreversibly when dehydrated. The disorder process was observed using time-resolved small-angle X-ray diffraction and analyzed by radial autocorrelation functions.

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Bacteriorhodopsin (bR568) in purple membrane near pH 2 shifts its absorption maximum from 568 to 605 nm forming the blue protein bRacid605, which no longer transports protons and which shows no transient deprotonation of the Schiff base upon illumination. Continued acid titration with HCl or HBr but not H2SO4 restores the purple chromophore to yield bRHCl564 or bRHBr568. These acid purple forms also regain transmembrane charge transport, but no transient Schiff base deprotonation is observed.

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We have developed a surface model of purple membrane and applied it in an analysis of the purple-to-blue color change of bacteriorhodopsin which is induced by acidification or deionization. The model is based on dissociation and double layer theory and the known membrane structure. We calculated surface pH, ion concentrations, charge density, and potential as a function of bulk pH and concentration of mono- and divalent cations.

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On the basis of data obtained by spectroscopic analysis and chromatography of retinal extracts, a consensus has been adopted that dark-adapted purple membrane (pm) contains 13-cis- and all-trans-retinal in equal amounts, whereas the light-adapted membrane contains all-trans-retinal only. We have developed an improved extraction technique which extracts up to 70% of the retinal in pm within 4 min. In the extracts from dark-adapted pm at room temperature, we consistently find 66-67% 13-cis-retinal and 33-34% all-trans-retinal, and more than 98.

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By elevating the pH to 9.5 in 3 M KCl, the concentration of the N intermediate in the bacteriorhodopsin photocycle has been enhanced, and time-resolved resonance Raman spectra of this intermediate have been obtained. Kinetic Raman measurements show that N appears with a half-time of 4 +/- 2 ms, which agrees satisfactorily with our measured decay time of the M412 intermediate (2 +/- 1 ms).

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An alkaline suspension of light-adapted purple membrane exposed to continuous light showed a large absorption depletion at 580 nm and a small increase around 350 nm. We attribute this absorption change to an efficient photoconversion of bR570 into a photoproduct N (P,R350), which has a major absorption maximum between 550 and 560 nm but has lower absorbance than bR570. N was barely detectable at low pH, low ionic strength, and physiological temperature.

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The red shift in the absorption maximum of native purple membrane suspensions caused by deionization is missing in lipid-depleted purple membrane, and the pK of the acid-induced transition is down-shifted to pH approximately 1.4 and has become independent of cation concentration (Szundi, I., and W.

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We have developed a simple and rapid technique for measuring the action spectra for phototaxis of populations of microorganisms and applied it to halobacteria. A microscope with a dark-field condenser was used to illuminate the cell suspension in a sealed chamber with light of wavelength greater than 750 nm; in this region of the spectrum, the halobacteria show no phototactic response. A 150-micron spot of light from a xenon arc lamp, whose wavelength and intensity can be varied, was projected through the objective lens into the center of the dark field.

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Purple membrane (lambda max = 568 nm) can be converted to blue membrane (lambda max = 605 nm) by either acid titration or deionization. Partially delipidated purple membrane, containing only 25% of the initial lipid phosphorus, could be converted to a blue form by acid titration but not by deionization. This reversible transition of delipidated membrane did not require the presence of other cations, and the pK of the color change that in native membrane under similar conditions is between 3.

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Halobacterium halobium is attracted by green and red light and repelled by blue-green and shorter wavelength light. a photochromic, rhodopsin-like protein in the cell membrane, sensory rhodopsin sR587, has been identified as the receptor for the long-wavelength and near-UV stimuli. Discrepancies between the action spectrum for the repellent effect of blue light and the absorption spectrum of sR587 and its photocycle intermediate S373 strongly suggest the existence of an additional photoreceptor for the blue region of the spectrum.

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Light-induced fast transient absorbance changes were detected by time-resolved spectroscopy in 38 of 51 haloalkaliphilic isolates from alkaline salt lakes in Kenya and the Wadi Natrun in Egypt. They indicate the presence of two retinal pigments, Pf and Ps, which undergo cyclic photoreactions with half-times of 2 ms and 500 ms respectively. Pf absorbs maximally near 580 nm and Ps near 500 nm.

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In the dark, all titratable tyrosine residues of bacteriorhodopsin have pK's of greater than 11.0, which may be caused by the hydrophobic environment for buried residues and by high negative charge density for surface residues [Scherrer, P., & Stoeckenius, W.

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Three similar, small retinylidene proteins, which resemble the visual pigments of animals, are found in halobacteria: two functions as light-driven ion pumps; the third is the receptor for phototaxis and allows color discrimination.

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Bacteriorhodopsin functions as an electrogenic, light-driven proton pump in Halobacterium halobium. In cell envelope vesicles, its photocycle kinetics can be correlated with membrane potential. The initial decay rate of the M photocycle intermediate(s) decreases with increasing membrane potential, allowing the construction of a calibration curve.

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In Halobacterium halobium strain R1 containing both bacteriorhodopsin (bR) and halorhodopsin (hR), the light-driven proton uptake has been experimentally resolved into three transient inflows which are superimposed on the larger proton outflow. Under anaerobic conditions the early proton uptake consists of two components: (i) an inflow which can be blocked using the ATPase inhibitor, Dio-9, and (ii) an inflow which can be abolished by low concentrations (less than 125 nM) of triphenyltin chloride (TPT) with no inhibition of ATP synthesis. At pH 6 these two inflows are approximately equal in magnitude and duration.

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Dark and light adaptation of bacteriorhodopsin in purple membrane multilayers at less than 100% relative humidity differs from that seen in suspensions. Equilibrium between the two bacteriorhodopsin isomers (bR cis 550 and bR trans 570) in the light-adapted state becomes dependent on the wavelength of actinic light. Excitation at the red edge of the visible absorption band causes dark adaptation in a light-adapted sample.

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