Publications by authors named "SMITHERS S"

Sexual selection is thought to play a major role in the evolution of color due to the correlation between a signaler's physiological state and the displayed color. As such, researchers often investigate how color correlates to the quality of the signaler. However, research on the relationship between color and individual quality is often taxonomically limited and researchers typically investigate how color phenotypes relate to one index of quality, such as a linear measure of body size.

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  • Motion vision is crucial for various animal behaviors, including how fiddler crabs sense predators.
  • Fiddler crabs were tested for their ability to detect second-order motion using both intensity and polarization, revealing they could respond to both types of stimuli.
  • This is the first evidence that any animal can detect second-order motion in polarization, enhancing our understanding of how polarization vision aids in target detection.
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Water clarity on the inshore Great Barrier Reef (GBR) is greatly influenced by terrestrial runoff of suspended particulate matter (SPM). Catchment sediment tracing studies often do not extend into the marine environment, preventing the analysis of preferential marine transport. This study employs novel collection and sediment tracing techniques to examine the transport of the terrigenous 'mineral' component of plume SPM within the GBR lagoon for two flood events.

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Crowding occurs when the presence of nearby features causes highly visible objects to become unrecognizable. Although crowding has implications for many everyday tasks and the tremendous amounts of research reflect its importance, surprisingly little is known about how depth affects crowding. Most available studies show that stereoscopic disparity reduces crowding, indicating that crowding may be relatively unimportant in three-dimensional environments.

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Polarization vision in terrestrial hermit crabs.

J Comp Physiol A Neuroethol Sens Neural Behav Physiol

November 2023

Polarization vision is used by a wide range of animals for navigating, orienting, and detecting objects or areas of interest. Shallow marine and semi-terrestrial crustaceans are particularly well known for their abilities to detect predator-like or conspecific-like objects based on their polarization properties. On land, some terrestrial invertebrates use polarization vision for detecting suitable habitats, oviposition sites or conspecifics, but examples of threat detection in the polarization domain are less well known.

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Ocean warming and acidification threaten the future growth of coral reefs. This is because the calcifying coral reef taxa that construct the calcium carbonate frameworks and cement the reef together are highly sensitive to ocean warming and acidification. However, the global-scale effects of ocean warming and acidification on rates of coral reef net carbonate production remain poorly constrained despite a wealth of studies assessing their effects on the calcification of individual organisms.

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Sediments collected within freshwater, estuarine and marine habitats were used to trial various chemical and physical pre-treatments to develop a systematic protocol for grain-size analysis using laser diffraction. Application of this protocol mitigates the influence of bio-physical processes that may transform grain-size distributions, enabling the characterisation and quantification of 'primary' mineral sediments across the complex freshwater-marine continuum to be more reliably assessed. Application of the protocol to two Great Barrier Reef (Australia) river catchments and their estuaries reveals the ecologically relevant <20 μm fraction comprises a larger component of exported sediment than existing methods indicate.

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Global sea-level rise (SLR) is projected to increase water depths above coral reefs. Although the impacts of climate disturbance events on coral cover and three-dimensional complexity are well documented, knowledge of how higher sea levels will influence future reef habitat extent and bioconstruction is limited. Here, we use 31 reef cores, coupled with detailed benthic ecological data, from turbid reefs on the central Great Barrier Reef, Australia, to model broad-scale changes in reef habitat following adjustments to reef geomorphology under different SLR scenarios.

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Inclusion of ecosystem-based approaches in the governmental masterplan for tsunami mitigation in Palu, Indonesia may make the city a rare case study for ecological disaster risk reduction in tropical biodiversity hotspots. Such case studies are a key pillar of the United Nations (UN) Sendai Framework to protect coastal societies globally.

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Many crustaceans are sensitive to the polarization of light and use this information for object-based visually guided behaviors. For these tasks, it is unknown whether polarization and intensity information are integrated into a single-contrast channel, whereby polarization directly contributes to perceived intensity, or whether they are processed separately and in parallel. Using a novel type of visual display that allowed polarization and intensity properties of visual stimuli to be adjusted independently and simultaneously, we conducted behavioral experiments with fiddler crabs to test which of these two models of visual processing occurs.

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Sea-level rise (SLR) is predicted to elevate water depths above coral reefs and to increase coastal wave exposure as ecological degradation limits vertical reef growth, but projections lack data on interactions between local rates of reef growth and sea level rise. Here we calculate the vertical growth potential of more than 200 tropical western Atlantic and Indian Ocean reefs, and compare these against recent and projected rates of SLR under different Representative Concentration Pathway (RCP) scenarios. Although many reefs retain accretion rates close to recent SLR trends, few will have the capacity to track SLR projections under RCP4.

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Understanding past coral community development and reef growth is crucial for placing contemporary ecological and environmental change within appropriate reef-building timescales. On Australia's Great Barrier Reef (GBR), coral reefs situated within coastal inner-shelf zones are a particular priority. This is due to their close proximity to river point sources, and therefore susceptibility to reduced water quality discharged from coastal catchments, many of which have been modified following European settlement (ca.

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Mean coral cover has reportedly declined by over 15% during the last 30 years across the central Great Barrier Reef (GBR). Here, we present new data that documents widespread reef development within the more poorly studied turbid nearshore areas (<10 m depth), and show that coral cover on these reefs averages 38% (twice that reported on mid- and outer-shelf reefs). Of the surveyed seafloor area, 11% had distinct reef or coral community cover.

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Coral cover on Caribbean reefs has declined rapidly since the early 1980's. Diseases have been a major driver, decimating communities of framework building Acropora and Orbicella coral species, and reportedly leading to the emergence of novel coral assemblages often dominated by domed and plating species of the genera Agaricia, Porites and Siderastrea. These corals were not historically important Caribbean framework builders, and typically have much smaller stature and lower calcification rates, fuelling concerns over reef carbonate production and growth potential.

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  • * Bioerosion rates have also dropped, with current rates averaging 2 G, which is at least 75% lower than before the reefs entered their degraded state.
  • * Despite some offsetting effects on carbonate production, ongoing poor coral recovery and shifts to slower calcifying organisms suggest a shift towards negative budget states, threatening overall reef growth in the future.
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Global-scale deteriorations in coral reef health have caused major shifts in species composition. One projected consequence is a lowering of reef carbonate production rates, potentially impairing reef growth, compromising ecosystem functionality and ultimately leading to net reef erosion. Here, using measures of gross and net carbonate production and erosion from 19 Caribbean reefs, we show that contemporary carbonate production rates are now substantially below historical (mid- to late-Holocene) values.

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The task of selecting the best dental applicants out of an extremely competitive applicant pool is a problem faced annually by dental faculties. This study examined the validity of both cognitive and noncognitive factors used for selection to Canadian dental schools. Interest in personality measurement and the prediction offered by personality measures has escalated and may be applied to the selection of dental candidates.

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The protein kinase A (PKA) is classified as type I or II depending on the association of the catalytic subunit with either the R(I) or R(II) regulatory subunits. Alterations in the levels of these regulatory subunits and PKA activity itself appear to affect cellular proliferation and tumorigenesis. We examined colorectal tumor specimens from 45 patients to investigate the potential role of cAMP-related signaling molecules in regulating tumorigenesis.

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Sm25, a major antigen in the surface tegument of the parasitic helminth Schistosoma mansoni, is a 25 kDa N-glycosylated glycoprotein which co-purifies with isolated surface membranes and behaves as an integral membrane protein in Triton X-114 (TX-114). The deduced amino acid sequence of Sm25 shows a short C-terminal hydrophobic domain between residues 163 and 180, containing six uncharged polar amino acids and followed by a Lys181-Ser192 dipeptide. We were interested in whether or not this marginal C-terminal amphiphilic domain is responsible for the association of Sm25 with the membrane or whether a post-translational modification such as the addition of glycosyl phosphatidyl inositol (GPI) represents the membrane anchor for this molecule.

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A cDNA clone from an adult Schistosoma mansoni lambda gt11 expression library (A12) encoding an antigenic polypeptide of 22 kDa is described. A12 is 797 bp long and has one open reading frame encoding a protein of 190 amino acids which does not contain a signal sequence or membrane anchor motif and has no homologies with any sequences on the currently available data bases. Its product (sm22.

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Sm25 is the principal antigen recognised by antibodies from mice protectively vaccinated with isolated tegumental membranes of adult Schistosoma mansoni. The full-length amino acid sequence of this protein has been deduced from the sequence of two cDNAs, one isolated by screening a cDNA library and the other, including the 5' end of the gene, amplified directly from adult worm RNA using the polymerase chain reaction. The predicted sequence represents a nascent polypeptide of Mr 21,500.

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Immunoglobulin (Ig) G and IgM antibody levels to soluble egg antigens (SEA), adult worm glycoproteins (AWGP), carbohydrate antigens (CHO) and cationic exchange fraction 6 (CEF6) were measured in serum specimens taken from Brazilian patients with acute, intestinal, hepato-intestinal and hepatosplenic schistosomiasis mansoni. The antibody levels varied among the groups, with the highest anti-egg antigen responses in the acute patients and the highest anti-adult worm responses in patients with chronic disease. The responses to the component parts of the egg antigens were dissociated, with anti-carbohydrate IgG and IgM responses being highest in the acute infection group and anti-CEF6 IgG responses being uniform among the clinical groups.

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The relationship between antigens associated with the surface of newly transformed schistosomula of Schistosoma mansoni and the tegumental surface membrane of adult S. mansoni worms has been further explored. Immunoprecipitation of detergent-solubilized 125I-tegumental surface membrane antigens of adult S.

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