Publications by authors named "SIERACKI J"

A mixed method approach was utilized to assess the organizational culture of the mental health service line at a large Veterans Affairs (VA) hospital. The goals of the study were to assess the organizational culture, identify how employees differ in perceptions of organizational culture, and identify areas of strength and challenges. Two hundred thirteen participants returned a questionnaire assessing perceptions of organizational culture using the Organizational Culture Assessment Questionnaire (Sashkin & Rosenbach, 2013).

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Objectives: Nasogastric tube use can lead to pressure injury. Some nasogastric tube securement devices (NG-SD) include hard plastic components. In the current study, we assessed the differences in strain profiles for two NG-SD, one with hard segments and one without hard segments, using finite element analysis (FEA) to measure strain and deformation occurring at the nasogastric tube-tissue interface.

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Negative pressure wound therapy (NPWT) drape removal from the skin may be painful for patients and inadvertently cause skin damage during the length of therapy. Most NPWT drapes utilize an acrylate adhesive to achieve the seal. To improve the experience associated with NPWT drape removal, a novel hybrid drape was developed.

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Narrowing the communication and knowledge gap between producers and users of scientific data is a longstanding problem in ecological conservation and land management. Decision support tools (DSTs), including websites or interactive web applications, provide platforms that can help bridge this gap. DSTs can most effectively disseminate and translate research results when producers and users collaboratively and iteratively design content and features.

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Introduction In the United States (US), pressure injuries are believed to affect over 2.5 million people. The prevalence of pressure ulcers in the European Union (EU) is believed to be 13.

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Plankton imaging systems are capable of providing fine-scale observations that enhance our understanding of key physical and biological processes. However, processing the large volumes of data collected by imaging systems remains a major obstacle for their employment, and existing approaches are designed either for images acquired under laboratory controlled conditions or within clear waters. In the present study, we developed a semi-automated approach to analyze plankton taxa from images acquired by the ZOOplankton VISualization (ZOOVIS) system within turbid estuarine waters, in Chesapeake Bay.

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Ballast water in ships is an important contributor to the secondary spread of invasive species in the Laurentian Great Lakes. Here, we use a model previously created to determine the role ballast water management has played in the secondary spread of viral hemorrhagic septicemia virus (VHSV) to identify the future spread of one current and two potential invasive species in the Great Lakes, the Eurasian Ruffe (Gymnocephalus cernuus), killer shrimp (Dikerogammarus villosus), and golden mussel (Limnoperna fortunei), respectively. Model predictions for Eurasian Ruffe have been used to direct surveillance efforts within the Great Lakes and DNA evidence of ruffe presence was recently reported from one of three high risk port localities identified by our model.

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Objectives.  The development of multicontact electrodes and programmable, implanted pulse generators has increased the therapeutic success of spinal cord stimulation (SCS) by enhancing the ability to capture and maintain pain/paresthesia overlap. This study sought to determine if interleaved stimulation and/or frequency doubling improves pain/paresthesia overlap in patients with failed back surgery syndrome.

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Use of multicontact electrodes and programmable implanted pulse generators has increased the efficacy of spinal cord stimulation for pain. Some investigators find dual column electrodes advantageous for difficult-to-treat axial low back pain, but we have reported significantly improved measures with a single percutaneous midline electrode vs. dual percutaneous electrodes and even better results with an insulated, 1 × 4, midline electrode.

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Study Design: A prospective, controlled, clinical trial comparing single and dual percutaneous electrodes in the treatment of axial low back pain from failed back surgery syndrome.

Objectives: To clarify technical requirements and test the hypothesis that placing two linear arrays in parallel, thereby doubling the number of contacts, improves outcome.

Summary Of Background Data: Technical improvements have enhanced outcomes of spinal cord stimulation for chronic axial low back pain.

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Objective: Programmable, multicontact, implanted stimulation devices represent an important advance in spinal cord stimulation for the management of pain. They facilitate the technical goal of covering areas of pain by stimulation-evoked paresthesiae. Adjustment after implantation requires major investments of time and effort, however, if the capabilities of these devices are to be used to full advantage.

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Objective: The clinical use of spinal cord stimulation for treatment of chronic intractable pain has been increasingly successful because of recent technical improvements, particularly the development of multiple-contact electrodes supported by programmable implanted pulse generators. Contemporary electrodes can be placed percutaneously in some cases and require a limited laminectomy in other cases.

Methods: We performed a prospective, randomized, controlled trial comparing two prototypical electrode designs, using a computerized system that allows direct patient interaction and quantitative measurements.

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Human scalp EEG studies have shown that event-related desynchronization (ERD) in the alpha (8-13 Hz) and beta (15-25 Hz) bands may be used to detect functional activation of sensorimotor cortex. However, in most previous studies somatotopy has not been examined in detail and brief, self-paced movements, focusing on the planning of motor output, have been used. We recorded electrocorticographic (ECoG) signals in five clinical subjects during a visual-motor decision task that was designed to activate the representations of different body parts in sensorimotor cortex.

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Objectives. Recent technical improvements in implanted stimulation devices, in particular the development of programmable, multicontact devices, have facilitated their clinical application in the management of pain. If the capabilities of these devices are to be used to full advantage, adjustment after implantation demands a major investment of time and effort.

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Knowledge of the stage composition and the temporal dynamics of human cognitive operations is critical for building theories of higher mental activity. This information has been difficult to acquire, even with different combinations of techniques such as refined behavioral testing, electrical recording/interference, and metabolic imaging studies. Verbal object comprehension was studied herein in a single individual, by using three tasks (object naming, auditory word comprehension, and visual word comprehension), two languages (English and Farsi), and four techniques (stimulus manipulation, direct cortical electrical interference, electrocorticography, and a variation of the technique of direct cortical electrical interference to produce time-delimited effects, called timeslicing), in a subject in whom indwelling subdural electrode arrays had been placed for clinical purposes.

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Six cases of chorioangioma of the placenta and a review of relevant leterature are presented. The incidence of chorioangiomas is higher than generally realized because many small chorioangiomas are missed in routine examination of placentas. A case of chorioangioma with foci resembling hemangiopericytoma is presented.

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