Publications by authors named "SHEKHTER A"

Modern otology faces challenges in treating tympanic membrane (TM) perforations. Instead of surgical intervention, alternative treatments using biomaterials are emerging. Recently, we developed a robust collagen membrane using semipermeable barrier-assisted electrophoretic deposition (SBA-EPD).

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Renal cell carcinoma is a significant health burden worldwide, necessitating accurate and efficient diagnostic methods to guide treatment decisions. Traditional pathology practices have limitations, including interobserver variability and time-consuming evaluations. In recent years, digital pathology tools emerged as a promising solution to enhance the diagnosis and management of renal cancer.

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  • The study investigates how the surface texture of biomaterial implants affects inflammatory and fibrotic reactions in surrounding tissues.
  • Researchers created three types of implants from polylactide granules of varying diameters and implanted them in chinchilla rabbits to analyze tissue response over time.
  • Results showed that larger granule implants led to a milder inflammatory response and slower capsule formation, highlighting the importance of surface texture in preventing complications like capsular contracture.
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Background: There is growing interest to application of regenerative medicine approaches in otorhinolaryngological practice, especially in the framework of the therapy of vocal fold (VF) scar lesions. The used conservative and surgical methods, despite the achieved positive outcomes, are frequently unpredictable and do not result in the restoration of the VF's lamina propria's structure, which provides the mechanical properties necessary for vibration. In this connection, the aim of this study was to ascertain the safety and efficacy of a bioequivalent in the treatment of VF scars using a rabbit model of chronic damage.

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The analysis of the microvasculature and the assessment of angiogenesis have significant prognostic value in various diseases, including cancer. The search for invasion into the blood and lymphatic vessels and the assessment of angiogenesis are important aspects of oncological diagnosis. These features determine the prognosis and aggressiveness of the tumor.

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Control over endogenous reparative mechanisms is the future of regenerative medicine. The rabbit ear defect is a rare model which allows the observation of the epimorphic regeneration of elastic cartilage. However, the mechanisms of phenotypical restoration of this highly differentiated tissue have not been studied.

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Nitric oxide (NO) is a gaseous molecule which plays a key role in wound healing. Previously, we identified the optimal conditions for wound healing strategies using NO donors and an air plasma generator. The aim of this study was to compare the wound healing effects of binuclear dinitrosyl iron complexes with glutathione (B-DNIC-GSH) and NO-containing gas flow (NO-CGF) at their optimal NO doses (0.

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Nitric oxide can activate neutrophils and macrophages, facilitate the synthesis of collagen, which allows significantly accelerating the regeneration of traumatized tissues. We studied the effects of nitric oxide-containing gas flow generated by plasma-chemical device "Plason" in a rat model of full-thickness wounds. Histological and morphometric analyses revealed that Plason treated wounds expressed significantly fewer signs of inflammation and contained a more mature granulation tissue on day 4 after the operation.

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Laser soldering is a current biophotonic technique for the surgical recovery of the integrity of soft tissues. This technology involves the use of a device providing laser exposure to the cut edges of the wound with a solder applied. The proposed solder consisted of an aqueous dispersion of biopolymer albumin (25 wt.

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This review aims at becoming a guide which will help to plan the experimental design and to choose adequate methods to assess the outcomes when testing cell-based products in the treatment of the damaged vocal folds. The requirements to preclinical trials of cell-based products remain rather hazy and dictated by the country regulations. Most parameters like the way the cells are administered, selection of the cell source, selection of a carrier, and design of in vivo studies are decided upon by each research team and may differ essentially between studies.

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Background: Ditrosyl iron complexes (DNIC) are endogenous donors of nitric oxide. The possibility of their application to stimulate regeneration has been studied for more than 15 years. However, the most effective dose and form of delivery have not yet been determined.

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The growing applications of tissue engineering technologies warrant the search and development of biocompatible materials with an appropriate strength and elastic moduli. Here, we have extensively studied a collagenous membrane (GSCM) separated from the mantle of the Giant squid Dosidicus Gigas in order to test its potential applicability in regenerative medicine. To establish the composition and structure of the studied material, we analyzed the GSCM by a variety of techniques, including amino acid analysis, SDS-PAGE, and FTIR.

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  • Precise delivery of drugs to target areas is crucial for effective treatment, but traditional methods often face challenges like transport barriers and unwanted side effects.
  • Implantable drug delivery systems (IDDSs) are surgically placed devices that reduce toxicity and improve drug targeting by releasing medications directly near the intended tissues.
  • To enhance the future development of IDDS technologies, it's important to analyze current and past clinical applications, particularly focusing on how these devices interact with surrounding tissues to ensure safety and effectiveness.
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Unlabelled: was to design a construct based on a nasal septal cartilage plate providing required cell differentiation in different layers to replace a deep osteochondral defect and develop an algorithm of chemical and physical effect sequence to create non-immunogenic two-layer porous structure with requisite elasto-mechanical properties.

Materials And Methods: The plates derived from porcine nasal septal hyaline cartilage covered by perichondrium were multi-stage treated including freezing, equilibrating in a hypotonic saline solution (type I specimens); trypsinization, point IR-laser effect, re-trypsinization (type II specimens); a stabilizing effect of crosslinking agents - glyceraldehyde/ribose in an acidic medium - washing (type III specimens).For all type specimens:there were established stability parameters (collagen denaturation temperature using a thermal analysis; and Young's modulus using a mechanical analysis);there were determined morphological characteristics using light and polarization microscopy with classical staining and nonlinear optical microscopy in second-harmonic generation mode.

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Purpose: To ascertain the role of autologous bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells (BM-MSCs) in the tendon regeneration.

Methods: The study was conducted on 58 Achilles tendons from 29 laboratory Chinchilla adult rabbits. The central bundles of 48 tendons were partially removed and substituted with a tissue-engineered construct consisting of a collagen sponge either loaded with BM-MSCs (n = 24) or cell free (n = 24), placed inside a Vicryl mesh tube.

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Peri-implant fibrosis (PIF) increases the postsurgical risks after implantation and limits the efficacy of the implantable drug delivery systems (IDDS). Pirfenidone (PF) is an oral anti-fibrotic drug with a short (<3 h) circulation half-life and strong adverse side effects. In the current study, disk-shaped IDDS prototype combining polylactic acid (PLA) and PF, PLA@PF, with prolonged (~3 days) PF release (in vitro) was prepared.

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Ollier disease is a rare congenital pathology characterized by the growth of enchondromas in bones, accompanied with their deformities, fractures, and the risk of malignancy. A 39-year-old patient with Ollier disease (acroform with lesions of hands and feet) suffered a rapid development of osteomyelitis of the proximal phalanx of the ring finger after a mosquito bite. The condition localized in the area of enchondroma.

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Mature hypertrophic scars (HSs) remain a challenging clinical problem, particularly due to the absence of biologically relevant experimental models as a standard rabbit ear HS model only reflects an early stage of scarring. The current study aims to adapt this animal model for simulation of mature HS by validating the time of the scar stabilization using qualitative and quantitative criteria. The full-thickness skin and perichondrium excision wounds were created on the ventral side of the rabbit ears.

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  • The study investigates the role of amianthoid transformation (AT) in costal cartilage and its potential influence on pectus excavatum (PE) and pectus carinatum (PC) in children.
  • Histological analysis of biopsy samples from 12 children each with PE and PC, along with controls, showed distinctive AT patterns in their cartilage.
  • Results indicated that these AT alterations are more common in PE and PC cases, suggesting a link between these cartilage changes and the development of these conditions.
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Objective: The aim of our study was an experimental evaluation of tissue engineering approach to chronic tympanic membrane perforation closure.

Materials And Methods: Chronic tympanic membrane perforation models were created both sides in 12 chinchillas. Right sided perforations were divided into two equal groups (A and B) according to treatment; left sided perforations were used as a control group.

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Degenerative disc disease is a significant reason for low back pain. Low-level laser irradiation (LLLI) of cartilage results in its reshaping and combines with regenerative reaction. A certain pattern of lumbar disc irradiation induces healing reaction and formation of new cartilage.

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One of the leading trends in the modern tissue engineering is the development of new effective methods of decellularization aimed at the removal of cellular components from a donor tissue, reducing its immunogenicity and the risk of rejection. Supercritical CO (scCO)-assisted processing has been proposed to improve the outcome of decellularization, reduce contamination and time costs. The resulting products can serve as personalized tools for tissue-engineering therapy of various somatic pathologies.

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Emerging global danger of multidrug resistant microbes makes it essential to explore new approaches to treat infections. We studied antibacterial and pro-regenerative effects of photodynamic therapy (PDT) performed with water solutions of photodithazine and its complexes with Pluronic F127 and chitosan in rat model of full thickness wound (n = 24) infected by an associated Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria culture. Laboratory rats were exposed to PDT 24 and 72 h after the injury.

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High magnetic fields have revealed a surprisingly small Fermi surface in underdoped cuprates, possibly resulting from Fermi-surface reconstruction due to an order parameter that breaks translational symmetry of the crystal lattice. A crucial issue concerns the doping extent of such a state and its relationship to the principal pseudogap and superconducting phases. We employ pulsed magnetic-field measurements on the cuprate [Formula: see text]Cu[Formula: see text] to identify signatures of Fermi-surface reconstruction from a sign change of the Hall effect and a peak in the temperature-dependent planar resistivity.

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The unusual correlated state that emerges in URuSi below = 17.5 K is known as "hidden order" because even basic characteristics of the order parameter, such as its dimensionality (whether it has one component or two), are "hidden." We use resonant ultrasound spectroscopy to measure the symmetry-resolved elastic anomalies across .

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