Publications by authors named "S WAPNER"

Three studies were conducted with samples of first-year undergraduates in order to assess relationships among college drinking, adjustment, recent life-changing events, interpersonal factors, self-control, and perceived risk. Significant correlations were found between alcohol use and life-change, but not between alcohol use and college adjustment. In addition, several significant findings linked alcohol use to social factors.

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Age and gender differences were examined concerning the nature (types of objects considered special), meaning (person/nonperson, past, present, and future associations), and function (emotional, social, identity development, and play) of cherished possessions. One hundred twenty subjects in six age categories (6, 9, 11, 14, 16, and 18 years), with 10 males and 10 females comprising each age group, were interviewed. Results indicated significant age, gender, and age by gender interactions.

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The present investigation consisted of two studies which attempted: 1) to assess the replicability of the investigation by Wapner and Hornstein [1] and Hornstein and Wapner [2,3] that uncovered four distinct modes of experiencing the transition to retirement, and 2) to advance that work by focusing on gender differences. The preliminary study, based on analyses of twenty-four case studies reported by Wapner and Hornstein suggested it would be profitable to study gender differences in a more systematic manner [1]. Toward this end, the major study involved construction of four appropriate instruments which were administered to ninety-four (48 women, 46 men) recent retirees.

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One hundred older people (75 females, 25 males), in nursing homes rated as above or below a combined criterion (based on Lieberman and Tobin's scales of physical attractiveness, affiliation fostering, and tolerance for deviancy), responded to questionnaires on cherished possessions and on adaptation to the nursing home. The main findings indicated: 1) relative to those residents without possessions, those with possessions were better adapted to the nursing home; 2) possessions served the major functions of historical continuity, comforter, and sense of belongingness; 3) relative to men, significantly more women had cherished possessions and were more likely to associate them with self-other relationships; and 4) relative to residents in nursing homes below the mean of the combined criterion, those in homes above the mean felt more in control, less helpless, more supported by staff, and were judged as more realistic in response to conflict. Interpretations regarding the role of possessions in adaptation and suggestions for institutional policies concerning possessions are discussed.

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