Background: We determined whether oocyte dysmorphisms, especially repetition of specific dysmorphisms from cycle to cycle, had a prognostic impact on intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) outcome.
Methods: ICSI patients (n = 67) were grouped as follows: group 1 >50% phenotypically dysmorphic oocytes per cohort (cytoplasmic and extra-cytoplasmic dysmorphisms) with no repetition of a specific dysmorphism from cycle one to cycle two (36 cycles and 274 oocytes); group 2 >50% dysmorphic oocytes per cohort and repetition of the same dysmorphism from cycle one to cycle two (32 cycles and 313 oocytes); group 3 (control) <30% dysmorphic oocytes (33 cycles and 378 oocytes).
Results: In group 2 (repetitive), 47% of oocytes were observed to have organelle clustering versus 20.