Publications by authors named "S V Ugoleva"

The course of pregnancy and treatment of diabetes mellitus during pregnancy were studied in 111 patients (119 pregnancies), who had fallen ill with diabetes mellitus before 5 (11 cases), at the age of 6-10 (39 cases), and at the age of 11-15 (61 cases). There were no patients with mild forms of the disease; 41.6% patients had diabetes mellitus of medium severity, and 58.

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The content of placental lactogenic hormone (PLH), one of the indices of the hormonal function of the placenta, was studied in the blood of pregnant women suffering from diabetes mellitus, depending on the compensation of the disease and the presence of complications in pregnancy. Despite the high weight of placenta, usually observed in this pathology in pregnant women, the blood PLH level did not significantly exceed that in normally coursing pregnancy. In case of decompensated diabetes mellitus there was a significantly lower blood PLH level in comparison with that in the compensated one, this pointing to the direct influence of metabolic disturbances characteristic of decompensated diabetes mellitus on the hormonal function of the placenta.

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Blood serum free fatty acid (FFA), triglyceride (TG), cholesterol and phospholipid content was studied during the 3 pregnancy trimeters in 247 pregnant women--139 suffering from diabetes mellitus without adiposity, and 108 healthy ones. As revealed the concentration of all the lipid fractions under study increased with the progress of physiological pregnancy. The FFA, cholesterol, and phospholipid levels failed to differ in the pregnant women suffering from diabetes mellitus at the stage of compensation from the corresponding indices in the group of healthy pregnant women at the same periods of pregnancy; as to the TG content--it remained increased in comparison with control group, although lower than in decompensated diabetes mellitus.

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