Publications by authors named "S V Gribanova"

Synthetic calcium silicates and phosphates are promising compounds for targeted drug delivery for the effective treatment of cancerous tumors, and for minimizing toxic effects on the patient's entire body. This work presents an original synthesis of a composite based on crystalline wollastonite CaSiO and combeite NaCa(SiO), using a sea urchin skeleton by microwave heating under hydrothermal conditions. The phase and elemental composition and structure of the obtained composite were studied by XRF, REM, BET, and EDS methods, depending on the microwave heating time of 30 or 60 min, respectively, and the influence of thermo-oxidative post-treatment of samples.

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The application of titanium and its alloys under friction conditions is severely restricted, owing to their poor wear resistance. The paper presents the results of studies of the composition, microstructure, and tribological properties of Ti-TiC-based composite coatings formed on titanium alloys by the electroarc treatment in an aqueous electrolyte using a graphite anode. It has been found that TiC grains have a different stoichiometry and do not contain oxygen.

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Metered-dose nasal sprays (MDNS) are the most widely used for treating rhinitis. Medicinal preparations in the pharmaceutical market vary in their characteristics. To identify the most effective drug, it is necessary to compare the preparations regarding various parameters.

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Purpose: Based on a comparative analysis of the key dispersion parametries of spray-aerosol forms of drugs Kameton from different manufacturers the most effective drug in terms of delivery to the mucous membrane of the throat was choosen.

Material And Methods: The objects of study were 5 drugs brand Kameton, produced in the form of a metered-dose spray manufacturers of 'Firm 'VIPSMED' (RF), 'Altayvitaminy' (RF), 'Samaramedprom' (RF), 'ESCO-Pharm' (Armenia) and metered-dose aerosol - of 'Pharmstandard' (RF). Measurement of the dynamic characteristics of the spray and the dispersed composition of the spray was carried out by the method of shadow photography with digital image processing using the 'POLIS' system.

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