Objectives: Current recommendations do not separate adult and pediatric palliative care (PC) in terms of the personnel needed, or the distribution of care between community and hospital-based services. We evaluated the differences in the utilization of pediatric and adult hospital PC services for non-oncological patients.
Methods: Retrospective study.
Introduction: Gaucher disease (GD) is a rare, autosomal recessive lysosomal storage disorder caused by a deficiency in the enzyme glucocerebrosidase. The most common subtype in Europe and the USA, type 1 (GD1), is characterized by fatigue, cytopenia, splenomegaly, hepatomegaly, bone disease, and rarely pulmonary disease. Increased life expectancy brought about by improved treatments has led to new challenges for adolescents and their transition to adult care.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFObjective: The diagnosis of Gaucher disease (GD) presents a major challenge due to the high variability and low specificity of its clinical characteristics, along with limited physician awareness of the disease's early symptoms. Early and accurate diagnosis is important to enable effective treatment decisions, prevent unnecessary testing, and facilitate genetic counseling. This study aimed to develop a machine learning (ML) model for GD screening and GD early diagnosis based on real-world clinical data using the Maccabi Healthcare Services electronic database, which contains 20 years of longitudinal data on approximately 2.
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