Publications by authors named "S P Obenschain"

Argon fluoride (ArF) is currently the shortest wavelength laser that can credibly scale to the energy and power required for high gain inertial fusion. ArF's deep ultraviolet light and capability to provide much wider bandwidth than other contemporary inertial confinement fusion (ICF) laser drivers would drastically improve the laser target coupling efficiency and enable substantially higher pressures to drive an implosion. Our radiation hydrodynamics simulations indicate gains greater than 100 are feasible with a sub-megajoule ArF driver.

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The Nike KrF laser facility was used to study the evolution of isolated defects with characteristic sizes of <1 to 10s of μm in laser-accelerated plastic foils. The experimental platform permitted, for the first time, the systematic study of localized perturbation growth, which is inherently multimode, through ablative Richtmyer-Meshkov and Rayleigh-Taylor stages and into the strongly nonlinear regime. Initial target defects were relatively large amplitude, but spatially localized, and emulated tent, fill-tube, and other nonuniformities that are present in inertial confinement fusion capsules.

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Cross-beam energy transfer (CBET) is a significant energy-loss mechanism in directly driven inertial-confinement-fusion (ICF) targets. One strategy for mitigating CBET is to increase the bandwidth of the laser light, thereby disrupting the resonant three-wave interactions that underlie this nonlinear scattering process. Here, we report on numerical simulations performed with the wave-based code lpse that show a significant reduction in CBET for bandwidths of 2-5 THz (corresponding to a normalized bandwidth of 0.

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Stimulated rotational Raman scattering (SRRS) in the ultraviolet region (λ=248  nm) has been observed at the Nike laser over extended propagation paths in air during high power operation. Although this phenomenon is not significant for standard operating configurations at Nike, broadening of the laser spectrum and far-field focal profiles has been observed once the intensity-path length product exceeds a threshold of approximately 1  TW/cm. This paper presents experimental results and a new theoretical evaluation of these effects.

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A record fuel hot-spot pressure P_{hs}=56±7  Gbar was inferred from x-ray and nuclear diagnostics for direct-drive inertial confinement fusion cryogenic, layered deuterium-tritium implosions on the 60-beam, 30-kJ, 351-nm OMEGA Laser System. When hydrodynamically scaled to the energy of the National Ignition Facility, these implosions achieved a Lawson parameter ∼60% of the value required for ignition [A. Bose et al.

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