Publications by authors named "S N Politova"

The microsomal monooxygenase activity in spontaneous mouse hepatomas has been studied. The cytochrome P-450 level in hepatomas was shown to be 2 times as low as that in the liver. The reduction of the cytochrome P-450 content in the tumour was accompanied by a decrease in the activity of benz(a)pyrene hydroxylase, amino-pyrene-N-demethylase and p-nitroanisole-O-demethylase.

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Initial stages of hepatocarcinogenesis have been studied in nonoperated and vagotomized animals. As a carcinogenic substance diethylnitrosamine (DENA) has been used. In order to estimate manifestation of the changes, the histochemical method for revealing glucoso-6-phosphatase activity, adenosine triphosphatase and gamma-glutamyltranspeptidase in the liver has been applied.

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The (CBA x C57Bl)F1 female mice were treated with weekly injections of 1,2-dimethylhydrazine (DMH) at a dose rate of 4.15 mg/kg of body weight during different time periods. Relations between the incidence of organ specified particular tumours depend on the total DMH dose.

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