Publications by authors named "S N Huddart"

Cough is a common and commonly ignored symptom of lung disease. Cough is often perceived as difficult to quantify, frequently self-limiting, and non-specific. However, cough has a central role in the clinical detection of many lung diseases including tuberculosis (TB), which remains the leading infectious disease killer worldwide.

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Article Synopsis
  • - India faces the largest tuberculosis (TB) epidemic globally, accounting for 27% of the world's TB burden, and has experienced a significant drop in case notifications due to COVID-19 disruptions.
  • - A study involving 4,000 adults treated for drug-susceptible TB during the pandemic in Bihar found case fatality rates were similar to pre-pandemic levels, suggesting ongoing challenges in controlling TB.
  • - Despite case fatality not increasing during COVID-19, it remains above the targets set by the End TB Strategy for 2025 and 2030, highlighting the need for improved intervention and support in TB treatment.
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Background: The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly disrupted tuberculosis (TB) programs, making it urgent to focus TB elimination efforts on key populations. People experiencing incarceration are at high risk for TB, however, how COVID-19-related disruptions have impacted incarcerated populations with TB is unknown.

Methods: Using Peruvian National TB Program data from Jan 2018 to Dec 2021, an interrupted time series of drug-susceptible (DS) TB case notifications pre- and during COVID-19 was conducted (cut-off date: COVID-19 emergency declaration in Peru, 16 March 2020).

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Cough is a common and commonly ignored symptom of lung disease. Cough is often perceived as difficult to quantify, frequently self-limiting, and non-specific. However, cough has a central role in the clinical detection of many lung diseases including tuberculosis (TB), which remains the leading infectious disease killer worldwide.

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