Publications by authors named "S L Vasil'chenko"

The purpose of the study--to develop a diagnostic and management tactics for patients with biliary sludge (BS) in an outpatient setting. The study included 115 patients who, according to the ultrasound revealed a BS. Own methodological approach used by ultrasound scan of the gall bladder and the interpretation of ultrasonographic BS types: Type 1 (suspension echo-positive particles) was set at 59.

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A total of 25 children with bronchial asthma and 40 children with cutaneous and dermato-respiratory + manifestations of allergy and concomitant injury to the gastrointestinal tract were under observation at an allergological clinic. In addition to the general clinical and allergological examination, radionuclide studies were performed by means of scintipneumography with 99mTc and hepatobiliscintigraphy with 99mTc HIDA. The data obtained indicate that radionuclide methods can be used in childhood allergological practice in the capacity of screening diagnosis as well as in the capacity of adjuvant + methods of examination, making it possible to perform investigations necessary for diagnosis establishment in a more precise and atraumatic manner.

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A questionnaire survey of the staff of curative and preventive institutions on the subject of management style, business and personal qualities of their leaders was conducted. The diversity of psychological features was detected in the microclimate of the collectives surveyed naturally conditioned by the interaction between the leader and the collective. The resulting psychological microclimate determines the different degree of willingness to welcome a new economic mechanism: from the possibility of complete realization of its principles by the entire collective to the complete declination.

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The sensitivity and specificity of ultrasound investigation (USI) and x-ray methods of indirect and direct contrast studies of the biliary system in the diagnosis of cholecysto- and choledocholithiasis were compared by a blind control method. USI was shown to be superior over all x-ray contrast methods in the diagnosis of cholecystolithiasis. The diagnosis of choledocholithiasis usually requires the use of x-ray methods among which preference should be given to endoscopic retrograde cholangiography as the most informative method permitting simultaneous intervention on the major duodenal papilla.

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