Publications by authors named "S Hestrin"

Animal behavior is motivated by internal drives, such as thirst and hunger, generated in hypothalamic neurons that project widely to many brain areas. We find that water-restricted mice maintain stable, high-level contrast sensitivity and brief reaction time while performing a visual task, but then abruptly stop and become disengaged. Mice consume a significant amount of water when freely provided in their home cage immediately after the task, indicating that disengagement does not reflect cessation of thirst.

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The subthreshold mechanisms that underlie neuronal correlations in awake animals are poorly understood. Here, we perform dual whole-cell recordings in the visual cortex (V1) of awake mice to investigate membrane potential (Vm) correlations between upper-layer sensory neurons. We find that the membrane potentials of neighboring neurons display large, correlated fluctuations during quiet wakefulness, including pairs of cells with disparate tuning properties.

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Higher and lower cortical areas in the visual hierarchy are reciprocally connected [1]. Although much is known about how feedforward pathways shape receptive field properties of visual neurons, relatively little is known about the role of feedback pathways in visual processing. Feedback pathways are thought to carry top-down signals, including information about context (e.

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Neurons in mouse V1 increase their response to visual stimulation during locomotion. In this issue of Neuron, Lee et al. (2014) show that subthreshold optogenetic stimulation of a brainstem locomotion area can mimic the effect of locomotion on sensory processing.

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Layer 6 corticothalamic neurons are thought to modulate incoming sensory information via their intracortical axons targeting the major thalamorecipient layer of the neocortex, layer 4, and via their long-range feedback projections to primary sensory thalamic nuclei. However, anatomical reconstructions of individual layer 6 corticothalamic (L6 CT) neurons include examples with axonal processes ramifying within layer 5, and the relative input of the overall population of L6 CT neurons to layers 4 and 5 is not well understood. We compared the synaptic impact of L6 CT cells on neurons in layers 4 and 5.

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