Publications by authors named "S H Cody"

As people live longer with HIV, reports of poor sleep and neurocognitive impairments are expected to increase. Poor sleep and neurocognitive impairments commonly occur in people living with HIV (PLWH) and some medications (e.g.

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Objectives: Insomnia and chronic pain are common symptoms in people with HIV. Poor sleep has been associated with chronic pain. While cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia improves insomnia in clinical populations, there are barriers to people with HIV accessing treatment including the lack of trained providers and lengthy sessions.

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Background: Identifying stars belonging to different classes is vital in order to build up statistical samples of different phases and pathways of stellar evolution. In the era of surveys covering billions of stars, an automated method of identifying these classes becomes necessary.

Methods: Many classes of stars are identified based on their emitted spectra.

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