Publications by authors named "S Gelot"

This paper assesses the French policy of mitigation hierarchy, with the aim of no net loss of biodiversity, by studying the geographical aspects of the application of the concept of ecological offsets in equivalence between losses and gains using spatialized data. We seek to know whether the dynamics of urban and interurban development (notably built-up and transport infrastructures) lead to a spatially integrated implementation of biodiversity offsets taking into account local characteristics and areas under pressure from land artificialization. Our main finding reveals that the majority of ecological offsets are generated by projects related to transport infrastructures (38%) and urban planning and construction projects (23%).

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To assess third-year pharmacy students' knowledge and application of renal pharmacotherapy using a renal replacement therapy (RRT) simulation. A simulation was developed that involved three stations related to RRT: peritoneal dialysis, continuous renal replacement therapy (CRRT), and hemodialysis. Stations involved demonstration of each modality, literature searches for drug information questions related to renal dosing with written recommendations, and utilization of an electronic medical record (EMR) to develop a verbal Situation, Background, Assessment, Recommendation (SBAR) for a patient with chronic kidney disease (CKD).

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Background And Purpose: To evaluate the impact of a pharmacist-focused transitions of care (TOC) simulation on students' perceptions and knowledge of pharmacist roles in the healthcare continuum. Educational Activity and Setting: Two simulations, highlighting pharmacist roles in various practice settings, were conducted within the Pharmaceutical Skills courses in the third-year doctor of pharmacy curriculum. Patient cases were built utilizing electronic medical records (EMR).

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Critically ill patients often are at high-risk for adverse drug reactions (ADRs), mainly due to alterations in pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic (PK/PD) parameters. These PK/PD differences in can also lead to inadequate therapeutic response to many commonly used drugs in this patient population. Frequently in the critically ill patient, medications are utilized based on a "trial-and-error" approach.

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