Introduction: The changes in health dynamics, caused by the SARS-COVD-2 pandemic and its consequences, generated a greater need to integrate palliative care in the ICU to promote a dignified death.
Objective: Identify interprofessional interventions and factors that improve the care of patients at the end of life.
Methodology: Integrative review, including experimental, quasi-experimental, observational, analytical, and descriptive studies with correlation of variables, published from 2010 to 2021, identified in COCHRANE, CINAHL, CUIDEN, LILACS, SCIELO, Dialnet, PsychInfo, PubMed, PROQUES, PSYCHOLOGY, JOURNALS, SCIENCEDIRECT, with MeSH/DECS terms: "Critical Care", "IntensiveCare" "Life support care", "Palliative care", "Life Quality", "Right to die".