Objective: Only a few studies have addressed strategies to improve continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) adherence in children with obstructive sleep apnea. The aim of our study was to assess the efficacy of a table based on token economy to improve CPAP adherence.
Methods: A table was proposed to children nonadherent to CPAP (<3 h per night of CPAP use), eight days after CPAP initiation (D8).
Purpose: In recent years, there have been series analysing the electro-clinical correlations of insular epilepsy in adult populations. In contrast, the ictal semiology in children with insular epilepsy is poorly described. Considering that early and successful surgery may greatly improve the cognitive outcome and quality of life, it is worthwhile to deepen our knowledge of insular epilepsy in children.
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October 2009
Numerous reviews have emphasized the links between certain types of epilepsy and migraine. Historically, Gowers was one of the first, in 1907, to have drawn attention to a possible relationship between migraine headache and epilepsy in a period when no additional examination was available. In the last two decades, progress in molecular biology, electrophysiology, and neuro-imaging has enabled a better approach to the fundamental elements underlying the interrelationship between these two nosological domains.
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