Publications by authors named "S Deuffic-Burban"

Backgrounds And Aims: Pregnant women and children are not included in Egypt's hepatitis C virus (HCV) elimination programmes. This study assesses the cost-effectiveness of several screening and treatment strategies for pregnant women and infants in Egypt.

Design: A Markov model was developed to simulate the cascade of care and HCV disease progression among pregnant women and their infants according to different screening and treatment strategies, which included: targeted versus universal antenatal screening; treatment of women in pregnancy or deferred till after breast feeding; treatment of infected children at 3 years vs 12 years.

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Background: A pilot HIV testing programme, Au Labo sans Ordo (ALSO; "to the laboratory without prescription") was implemented in two French Fast-Track Cities Initiative areas from 07/2019 to 12/2020. ALSO aimed to remove barriers to HIV testing by providing free testing with widespread access through all laboratories, extended opening hours, and no prescription requirements.

Objectives: Assessing the ALSO programme in terms of testing activity, user characteristics, and costs, compared to other HIV testing offers.

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Background: Besides the high prevalence of HIV and HCV infections, people who inject drugs (PWID) have a cumulative risk of acquiring skin and soft tissue infections (SSTI) from, among other things, social precariousness, homelessness/unstable housing, and unhygienic injecting practices. We propose to evaluate whether a two-component educational hand hygiene intervention which combines training in hand-washing with the supply of a single-use alcohol-based hand rub, called MONO-RUB, is effective in reducing injection-related abscesses in the PWID population. Specifically, we shall implement a nationwide, two-arm, multi-centre, cluster randomised controlled trial to evaluate the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of this intervention in PWID.

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Objective: Help public health decision-making requires a better understanding of the dynamics of obesity and type 2 diabetes and an assessement of different strategies to decrease their burdens.

Methods: Based on 97,848 individual data, collected in the French Health, Health Care and Insurance Survey over 1998-2014, a Markov model was developed to describe the progression of being overweight to obesity, and the onset of type 2 diabetes. This model traces and predicts 2022-2027 burdens of obesity and type 2 diabetes, and lifetime risk of diabetes, according to different scenarios aiming at minimum to stabilize obesity at 5 years.

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