Stomatologiia (Mosk)
December 2002
Adhesion of obligate and facultative anaerobic bacteria, favoring the development of oral inflammatory diseases, including the cariesogenic and periodontogenic bacteria and Candida albicans fungi, isolated from patients with periodontitis, to 13 basic materials used in removable denture making, was studied. The adhesion of all bacteria (Streptococcus sanguis, Prevotella melangogenica, Fusobacterium nucleatum, Corynebacterium xerosis) and fungi to hot polymerization basic materials was the maximum. The most perspective basic plastic for clinical use (preserving intact oral microbiocenosis and preventing stomatitis induced by denture wearing) are cold polymerization materials, such as Redont-03, Dentoplast Breden, Leocryl, and UHF polymerization materials Acron GC, AKR-MV, and Etakril-02.
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