Publications by authors named "Ryan W"

Objectives: To describe our technique and initial experience of intraoperative tumor localization with surgeon-performed ultrasound-guided needle dye injection.

Study Design: Prospective case series. Technique description.

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Background: A standard of prehospital care for patients presenting with ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) includes prehospital 12-lead and advance Emergency Department notification or prehospital bypass to percutaneous coronary intervention centres. Implementation of either care strategies is variable across communities and neither may exist in some communities. The main objective is to compare prehospital care strategies for time to treatment and survival outcomes as well as cost effectiveness.

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Objectives: To determine correlations between symptoms, nasal endoscopy findings, and computed tomography (CT) scan findings in post-surgical chronic rhinosinusitis (CRS) patients.

Study Design: Cross-sectional.

Material And Methods: A total of 51 CRS patients who had undergone endoscopic sinus surgery (ESS) completed symptom questionnaires, underwent endoscopy, and received an in-office sinus CT scan during one clinic visit.

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Nitrogen (N) efficiency is one of the key drivers of environmentally and economically sustainable agricultural production systems. An N balance model was developed, evaluated, and validated to assess N use efficiency and N surplus and to predict N losses from contrasting grass-based dairy production systems in Ireland. Data from a 5-yr study were used to evaluate and validate the model.

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Background: The Ross procedure in infants/children is generally accepted, while in adults it remains controversial. We examined our adult experience for clinical and operative factors that predict autograft reoperation.

Methods: Prospectively collected data of 160 consecutive adults undergoing a Ross procedure by a single surgeon from July 1994 through June 2008 were reviewed.

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Objective: To determine the safety and tolerance of a buffered preservative-free acidified solution as an alternative to standard chemical preservatives to prevent microbial contamination of saline nasal spray.

Design: Randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, crossover clinical trial.

Setting: Tertiary academic medical center.

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Background: Hereditary angioedema due to C1 inhibitor deficiency is characterized by recurrent acute attacks of swelling that can be painful and sometimes life-threatening.

Methods: We conducted two randomized trials to evaluate nanofiltered C1 inhibitor concentrate in the management of hereditary angioedema. The first study compared nanofiltered C1 inhibitor concentrate with placebo for treatment of an acute attack of angioedema.

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Background: In the past decade, minimally invasive approaches have been developed for aortic valve surgery. We reviewed our data to determine if the use of the PORT ACCESS technique has improved hospital morbidity and mortality.

Methods: Data were collected on 90 patients who had a replacement of their aortic valve using PORT ACCESS procedures (PORT ACCESS aortic valve replacement [PAVR]).

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The Kuiper belt is a collection of small bodies (Kuiper belt objects, KBOs) that lie beyond the orbit of Neptune and which are believed to have formed contemporaneously with the planets. Their small size and great distance make them difficult to study. KBO 55636 (2002 TX(300)) is a member of the water-ice-rich Haumea KBO collisional family.

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Background And Aim Of The Study: The 30-day outcomes were compared between matched groups of patients undergoing mitral valve procedures through Port Access (femoral cannulation, percutaneous retrograde cardioplegia and aortic occlusion), and through a sternotomy.

Methods: By using a Society of Thoracic Surgeons (STS)-certified, audited database, a total of 1108 patients was identified who were operated on between January 1996 and November 2008. A total of 608 mitral valve repair (MV-Rpr) patients (including 241 with Port Access procedures) and 500 mitral valve replacement (MVR) patients (including 45 with Port Access procedures) was included.

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Objective: To develop a standardized blood collection device that preserves fetal cell-free DNA and minimizes the cell-free DNA background in maternal plasma.

Methods: Blood samples were drawn from healthy pregnant donors into K(3)EDTA (BD vacutainer) and Cell-free DNA BCT tubes (Streck, Inc.) and kept at ambient temperature.

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The objective of this study was to examine the effects of production (the number and weight of pigs produced over a lifetime) on the physical and mechanical properties of the metacarpals of cull sows, the prevalence of osteochondrosis and conformation traits. Metacarpals (n=79) and forelimbs (n=36) from cull sows were collected at slaughter. Bones were CT scanned for cross-sectional area and moment of inertia.

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The objective of this study was to examine the differences in sow metacarpal properties through various parities and to compare the incidence of locomotory problems between stalled and loose-housed sows. Metacarpals (n = 110) of sows from six farms were collected at slaughter and stored at -20°C. Bones from one forelimb of sows in stalls (n = 36) and loose-housed (n = 20) were collected and their articular surfaces examined for Osteochondrosis Dissecans (OCD), these sows were also scored for lameness pre-slaughter.

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Intracranial aneurysms represent a significant cause of morbidity and mortality. While the risk factors for aneurysm formation are known, the detection of aneurysms remains challenging. Magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) has recently emerged as a useful non-invasive method for aneurysm detection.

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Objective: To determine the efficacy of an over-the-counter topical skin adhesive pad for reducing central forehead and glabellar rhytids over a 4-week period.

Design: Prospective series involving 30 healthy volunteers with central forehead and glabellar rhytids at a tertiary care academic medical center. The participants used topical skin adhesive pads over the central forehead area and the glabella for 4 weeks in an effort to reduce rhytids.

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Objectives/hypothesis: To clarify the extent and patient perspectives of great auricular nerve (GAN) morbidity and recovery after nerve sacrifice during parotidectomy 4 to 5 years after surgery.

Study Design: Prospective series.

Methods: Twenty-two patients who underwent parotidectomy with GAN sacrifice and were previously studied for GAN sensory outcome during the first postoperative year.

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Bullying is a problem for schools around the world, and is an important topic for research because it has been associated with negative outcomes on numerous social, psychological, and academic measures. Antibullying prevention and intervention programs have varied greatly in their outcomes, with some studies reporting positive results while others have reported little or no positive impacts. Prompted by accountability demands, many agencies have developed standards with which to assess whether social programs are effective.

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Background: Aortic valve replacement (AVR) is the treatment of choice for critical aortic stenosis. Selected patients have not previously been referred for AVR because of excessive risk of mortality and morbidity with surgery. The option of transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI) has increased referral of this high-risk cohort for therapeutic intervention.

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We report a case of false aneurysm involving a branch of the anterior tibial artery following total knee arthroplasty, which presented as an enlarging swelling over the antero-lateral aspect of the leg. False aneurysms are a rare complication of total knee replacement and most of those that do occur arise from the popliteal artery. The swelling was investigated and diagnosed as a false aneurysm and the patient underwent successful percutaneous embolisation of the feeding vessel.

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Veterinarians currently have a choice of six registered NSAIDs for use in the management of canine osteoarthritis. There is a need for data to clarify whether there is an increased risk of side effects occurring in the event of a switch between different members of the NSAID class. In this retrospective analysis of extensive data collected in the 1,000 dog Previcox (firocoxib, Merial) Experience Trial, the incidence of side effects in dogs reported as treated with an NSAID 7 days or less before enrollment was compared with that in dogs reported as not having received an NSAID in the equivalent period.

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Objective: Risk algorithms were used to identify a high-risk population for transcatheter aortic valve implantation instead of standard aortic valve replacement in patients with aortic stenosis. We evaluated the efficacy of these methods for predicting outcomes in high-risk patients undergoing aortic valve replacement.

Methods: Data were collected on 638 patients identified as having isolated aortic valve replacement between January 1, 1998 and December 31, 2006, using The Society of Thoracic Surgeons (STS) database.

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Vehicles traveling on dry, unpaved roads generate copious quantities fugitive dust that contributes to soil erosion, and potentially threatens human health and ecosystems. The purpose of this study was to develop a low-cost technique for monitoring road dust that would enable land managers to estimate soil loss. The "sticky-trap" collectors developed were evaluated at the Turkey Bay off-highway vehicle (OHV) riding area on the Land Between the Lakes National Recreation Area, in western Kentucky.

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Mastery of complex motor skills requires effective development of inter-segment coordination patterns. These coordination patterns can be described and quantified using various methods, including descriptive angle-angle diagrams, conjugate cross-correlations, vector coding, normalized root mean squared error techniques and, as in this study, functional data analysis procedures. Lower limb kinematic data were obtained for 49 children performing the vertical jump.

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