While injuries to the abdominal oblique muscles near their origin at the lower ribs are commonly seen in sports that require explosive trunk rotational movements such as baseball and tennis, there are few reports in the literature of avulsion injuries to these muscles from their distal attachments at the iliac crest. We present the case of two collegiate male hockey players who suffered such injuries as a result of a direct impact mechanism while rotated at the waist. These injuries should be suspected when patients have significant pain in the lower abdominal region worsened by flexion and rotation of the trunk and can be accurately characterized by musculoskeletal ultrasound or MRI.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFLV E/E' ratio obtained using Doppler echocardiography is considered a surrogate for LV filling pressure in adults but has performed poorly in children. We hypothesized that LV E/E' ratio Z-score, adjusted for age, will relate more strongly to LV filling pressures than LV E/E' ratio in pediatric HT recipients. We analyzed 751 echocardiograms performed within 24 hours of a heart catheterization in 122 pediatric HT recipients (median age at HT 13 years, median 6 studies per patient).
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