Publications by authors named "Ryan Jenkins"

Introduction: Physician learners desire more and higher-quality education on end-of-life care. Challenges include the inherent difficulties of clinical uncertainty and how to provide meaningful experiences for early learners. This standardized patient (SP) encounter features a patient facing a newly terminal diagnosis.

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Mask wearing has been required in various settings since the outbreak of COVID-19, and research has shown that identity judgements are difficult for faces wearing masks. To date, however, the majority of experiments on face identification with masked faces tested humans and computer algorithms using images with superimposed masks rather than images of people wearing real face coverings. In three experiments we test humans (control participants and super-recognisers) and algorithms with images showing different types of face coverings.

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Depression pharmacotherapy is the predominant treatment available in the rural United States, yet little is known about the broader contextual factors that rural consumers and providers identify as shaping pharmacotherapy use. Thematic analysis was employed to identify emergent themes from interviews and focus groups about pharmacotherapy adherence, effectiveness, and treatment decisions conducted with Appalachian Kentucky women with depression (N = 37) and diverse healthcare providers who care for this population (N = 21). Pharmacotherapy was seen as inadequate to treat depression in the context of extensive socioeconomic burdens and other health comorbidities.

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Scholarship on idioms of distress has emphasized cross-cultural variation, but devoted less attention to intra-cultural variation-specifically, how the legitimacy of distress may vary according to the context in which it is expressed, social position, and interaction with medical categories of distress. This variation can pose challenges for interventionists seeking to establish culturally acceptable ways of identifying distress and creating relevant resources for recovery. We describe efforts over three years (2014-2016) to identify and adapt a culturally appropriate evidence-based intervention for depressed rural Appalachian women.

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Background: Individual plants adapt to their immediate environment using a combination of biochemical, morphological and life cycle strategies. Because woody plants are long-lived perennials, they cannot rely on annual life cycle strategies alone to survive abiotic stresses. In this study we used suppression subtractive hybridization to identify genes both up- and down-regulated in roots during water deficit treatment and recovery.

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People rely on information they read even when it is inaccurate (Marsh, Meade, & Roediger, Journal of Memory and Language 49:519-536, 2003), but how ubiquitous is this phenomenon? In two experiments, we investigated whether this tendency to encode and rely on inaccuracies from text might be influenced by the plausibility of misinformation. In Experiment 1, we presented stories containing inaccurate plausible statements (e.g.

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When two masked targets (T1 and T2) require attention and are presented within half a second of each other, the report accuracy for T2 is reduced, relative to when the two targets are presented farther apart in time. This effect is known as the attentional blink (AB). Potter, Chun, Banks, and Muckenhoupt (1998) argued that all AB-like effects observed when at least one of the targets was presented outside of the visual modality did not represent true instances of the AB, but instead were artifacts of task-set switching.

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