Background: Current guidelines support early initiation of direct-acting antivirals (DAA) in hepatitis C virus (HCV) donor positive and recipient negative (D+/R-) solid organ transplants (SOTs). According to experts, access to DAA therapy is a key barrier to early treatment.
Methods: This single-center, retrospective study assessed the rate of DAA prescription approval with or without confirmed HCV viremia, time to approval, and reasons for denial in HCV D+/R- SOTs.
Introduction: Metabolic-associated fatty liver disease (MAFLD) is a hepatic manifestation of metabolic syndrome (MS). MAFLD patients have a higher prevalence of COVID-19. MAFLD also is associated with worse clinical outcomes of COVID-19, such as disease severity, intensive care unit (ICU) admission rate, and higher mortality rates.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFObjectives: To analyze demographic, psychosocial, and clinical factors in pediatric liver transplant recipients for their association with death or loss to follow up in adulthood. We aimed to better understand known health disparities in transplant outcomes and identify potentially modifiable risk factors prior to transfer.
Methods: A retrospective cohort study of children who underwent liver transplantation at a large tertiary transplant center and were transferred to adult care between 2000 and 2015.
When runners impact the ground, they experience a sudden peak ground reaction force (GRF), which may be up to 4× greater than their bodyweight. Increased GRF impact peak magnitude has been associated with lower limb injuries in runners. Yet, shoe midsoles are capable of cushioning the impact between the runner and the ground to reduce GRF.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Adolescent and young adult (AYA) solid organ transplant recipients experience worsening medical outcomes during transition to adult healthcare. Current understanding and definitions of transition success emphasize first initiation of appointment attendance in adult healthcare; however, declines in attendance over time after transfer remain possible, particularly as AYAs are further removed from their pediatric provider and assume greater independence in their care.
Methods: The current study assessed health-care utilization, medical outcomes, and transition success among 49 AYA heart, kidney, or liver recipients recently transferred to adult healthcare.
Managed and wild bee populations are in decline around the globe due to several biotic and abiotic stressors. Pathogenic viruses associated with the Western honey bee (Apis mellifera) have been identified as key contributors to losses of managed honey bee colonies, and are known to be transmitted to wild bee populations through shared floral resources. However, little is known about the prevalence and intensity of these viruses in wild bee populations, or how bee visitation to flowers impacts viral transmission in agroecosystems.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFObjective: To analyze the long-term outcomes in pediatric liver transplant recipients after they have transferred to an adult provider and assess for racial disparities in health outcomes.
Study Design: This is a single-center, retrospective review of pediatric patients who underwent liver transplantation between July 1990 and August 2015 at a tertiary healthcare system with a large transplant center. Patient mortality and retransplantation were assessed after transfer to adult care.
: There is compelling evidence to support behavioral interventions as the first-line approach for bedtime resistance in young children. Among the behavioral treatment options, extinction ("cry it out") has the most extensive empirical support and tends to produce the most rapid gains. There are well known problems with the use of extinction, however, including side effects (extinction burst, spontaneous recovery) and poor acceptance, not to mention that extinction fails to teach children appropriate replacement behaviors (what "to do").
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine organized 2 multistakeholder symposia on February 2, 2018 and January 11, 2019 to address the problem of high graft failure in adolescent and young adult (AYA) solid organ transplant (SOT) recipients. Participants included international experts in transplantation, behavioral psychology, patient/parent advocacy, and technology. The objectives of the symposia were as follows: (1) to identify and discuss the barriers to and facilitators of effective transfer of care for AYA SOT recipients; (2) to actively explore strategies and digital solutions to promote their successful transfer of care; and (3) to develop meaningful partnerships for the successful development, evaluation, implementation, and dissemination of these digital solutions.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe initial "Frontiers in Fontan Failure" conference in 2015 in Atlanta, GA, provided an opportunity for experts in the field of pediatric cardiology and adult congenital heart disease to focus on the etiology, physiology, and potential interventions for patients with "Failing Fontan" physiology. Four types of "Fontan Failure" were described and then published by Dr Book et al. The acknowledgment that even Dr Fontan himself realized that the Fontan procedure "imposed a gradually declining functional capacity and premature late death after an initial period of often excellent palliation.
View Article and Find Full Text PDF"Frontiers in Fontan Failure" was the title of a 2015 conference sponsored by Children's Healthcare of Atlanta and Emory University School of Medicine. In what is hoped to be the first of many such gatherings, speakers and attendees gathered to discuss the problem of long-term clinical deterioration in these patients. Specific focuses included properly defining the problem and then discussing different treatment strategies, both medical and surgical.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFObjectives: The combination of simeprevir (SMV) and sofosbuvir (SOF) was found to be well-tolerated with high sustained virologic response (SVR) rates in patients with genotype 1 chronic hepatitis C in clinical trials. Previous experience with hepatitis C virus (HCV) therapy has shown that patient tolerability and treatment efficacy described in controlled clinical trials did not necessarily mirror the "real world" experience. The goal of this study was to define SVR rates in a "real world" analysis and to explore predictors of treatment response with SMV and SOF.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIn this article, we review both acute and chronic liver diseases that occur as a result of heart or circulatory system failure. Ischemic hepatitis, congestive hepatopathy, cardiac cirrhosis, and Fontan liver disease are reviewed. We review clinical presentation, diagnostic data, prognosis, and available therapeutic strategies for these entities.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe role of ventricular dysfunction in late morbidity and mortality of univentricular hearts has been described previously. However, a significant proportion of adult Fontan patients who die or require heart transplantation do so with preserved ventricular function. The clinical deterioration in patients who have undergone Fontan palliation requires a broader view of circulatory dysfunction, one that takes into account the complex interaction of regulatory systems affecting hepatic, renal, and pulmonary blood flow, in addition to cardiac function.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIndividuals struggling with obesity often have difficulty maintaining dietary regimens. One source of dietary relapse is the reinstatement of previous feeding behaviors following the presentation of cues indicating the availability of palatable but highly caloric food reward. The drugs fenfluramine and sibutramine have previously been prescribed because they enhance satiety mechanisms and decrease meal size.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Chronic congestive hepatopathy is known to cause hepatic fibrosis and portal hypertension in patients post-Fontan operation for single ventricle palliation. The clinical significance of these findings is not clear. We hypothesized that features of portal hypertension would be significantly related to major adverse events.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFLiver fibrosis is a growing concern among adults with congenital heart disease, particularly for those who have undergone a Fontan operation. Liver fibrosis leads to cirrhosis, a precursor of hepatocellular carcinoma. A few cases of hepatocellular carcinoma in patients with prior palliative surgery for congenital heart disease have been identified in the literature.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFTransplant Rev (Orlando)
October 2010
The critical care management of patients before liver transplantation is aimed at optimizing hepatic and extrahepatic organ function before the transplant operation, with a goal to favorably influence perioperative and postoperative graft and patient outcomes. Critical illness in liver disease can present in the context of acute liver failure or acute on chronic liver failure. The differing pathophysiologic processes underlying these 2 types of liver failure necessitate specific approaches to their intensive care management.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFGastroenterol Hepatol (N Y)
April 2008
Since the discovery of HIV/AIDS and the introduction of antiretroviral therapy, there have been many observations regarding the causes of HIV/AIDS deaths, opportunistic infections, and coexisting diseases such as non-AIDS-defining malignancies. The bulk of the literature worldwide has been epidemiologic and has involved cross-linkage of both HIV/AIDS and cancer registries. Prior retrospective studies have also utilized death certificates.
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