Publications by authors named "Ruth Mony"

Dengue and chikungunya are now widely distributed in Cameroon, but there is still not enough information on their prevalence in different epidemiological settings. This study was undertaken to assess the prevalence of dengue and chikungunya in both urban and rural settings in Cameroon using three diagnostic tools. From December 2019 to September 2021, willing febrile (temperature >38 °C) outpatients visiting four healthcare facilities in the cities of Yaoundé and Dizangué were screened for dengue, and chikungunya.

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Melissotarsus ants have an extremely specialized set of behaviours. Both workers and gynes tunnel galleries in their host tree bark. Workers walk with their mesothoracic legs pointing upwards and tend Diaspididae hemiptera for their flesh.

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We investigated in the laboratory the initial behavior of propagules of the invasive ant Wasmannia auropunctata in Cameroon where it has been introduced. Both workers and queens at first feigned death (thanatosis), and then the workers slowly moved around the experimental arena; the queens did the same about 10seconds later. Each queen antennated selected workers that then aggregated together by grasping the hind leg of another ant with their mandibles.

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Workers of the pest ant Paratrechina longicornis participate in a type of group hunting. Each individual forages with its long antennae wide open and moves quickly (6.3 cm/s) along an erratic path surrounded by nestmates behaving in the same way and within range of a recruiting pheromone.

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