Religious celibate monks at the household level possibly reduce all-cause mortality risk among non-monk older Tibetans. This study aims to investigate the association between having a celibate monk in a family and the all-cause mortality of non-monk household members in a Tibetan population. Baseline interviews were conducted for 713 agropastoral Amdo Tibetans aged ≥50 years residing in the eastern Tibetan Plateau from 2016 to 2017.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThis research examines dynamics of kinship systems, emphasizing changes in gender-biased inheritance and social interaction within a formerly matrilineal community. Using demographic data over 70-year of lifespan from 17 Tibetan villages, we observe a significant shift within the predominantly matrilineal inheritance structure: a once-prevalent preference for females in older cohorts has now gone in recent generations. We explore two possible explanations: that this is driven by changes in subsistence system or by changes in sibling configuration.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFHunter-gatherer populations underwent a mass extinction in the Neolithic, and in present times face challenges such as explicit sedentarisation policies. An exception is in Nepal, where the nomadic Raute people receive monthly governmental individual payments. One consequence of the money transfers has been a significant increase in alcohol consumption, with nearly all individuals drinking industrially produced alcohol.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFEcological differences between human populations can affect the relative strength of sexual selection, and hence drive gender inequality. Here, we exploit the cultural diversity of southwestern China, where some village sex ratios are female-biased, in part due to a proportion of males entering monastic celibacy, to evaluate the role of sex ratio on the sexual division of labor. We used a detachable activity tracker to measure workload by step counts in both sexes among 561 individuals in 55 villages in six different areas.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe number of studies examining gender differences in the social relationship rewards associated with costly religious practice has been surprisingly low. Here, we use data from 289 residents of an agricultural Tibetan village to assess whether individuals are more inclined to establish supportive relationships with religious individuals in general and to investigate the gender disparities in the relationship between religiosity and personal network characteristics. Our results reveal that participation in religious rituals contributes to the overall development of social support networks.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPhilos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci
March 2024
Traditional norms of human societies in rural China may have changed owing to population expansion, rapid development of the tourism economy and globalization since the 1990s; people from different ethnic groups might adopt cultural traits from outside their group or lose their own culture at different rates. Human behavioural ecology can help to explain adoption of outgroup cultural values. We compared the adoption of four cultural values, specifically speaking outgroup languages/mother tongue and wearing jeans, in two co-residing ethnic groups, the Mosuo and Han.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFSocial norms research is booming. In recent years, several experts have recommended using social norms (unwritten rules that prescribe what people ought or ought not to do) to confront the societal, environmental and health challenges our societies face. If we are to do so, a better understanding is required of how social norms themselves emerge, evolve and respond to these challenges.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFEvolutionary medicine - i.e. the application of insights from evolution and ecology to biomedicine - has tremendous untapped potential to spark transformational innovation in biomedical research, clinical care and public health.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAlloparenting, wherein people provide care to children who are not their biological offspring, is a key aspect of human child-rearing. In the Pacific, many children are adopted or fostered by custodial alloparents even when both biological parents are still alive. From a behavioral ecology perspective, such behaviors are puzzling: why parent someone else's child at your expense? Furthermore, little is known about how these arrangements are made in Pacific Islander societies today, who provides care, and what kinds of outcomes fostered children experience.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAccording to Hamilton's rule, matrilineal-biased investment restrains men in matrilineal societies from maximising their inclusive fitness (the 'matrilineal puzzle'). A recent hypothesis argues that when women breed communally and share household resources, a man should help his sisters' household, rather than his wife's household, as investment to the later but not the former would be diluted by other unrelated members (Wu et al., 2013).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFTeaching is an important process of cultural transmission. Some have argued that human teaching is a cognitive instinct - a form of 'natural cognition' centred on mindreading, shaped by genetic evolution for the education of juveniles, and with a normative developmental trajectory driven by the unfolding of a genetically inherited predisposition to teach. Here, we argue instead that human teaching is a culturally evolved trait that exhibits characteristics of a cognitive gadget.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFTeaching is an important mechanism of social learning. In industrialized societies, 3-year-olds tend to teach through demonstrations and short commands, while 5-year-olds use more verbal communication and abstract explanations. However, it remains unclear whether this generalizes to other cultures.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFExamining development is essential for a full understanding of behaviour, including how individuals acquire traits and how adaptive evolutionary forces shape these processes. The present study explores the development of cooperative behaviour among the Agta, a Filipino hunter-gatherer population. A simple resource allocation game assessing both levels of cooperation (how much children shared) and patterns of partner choice (who they shared with) was played with 179 children between the ages of 3 and 18.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFHumans exhibit a broad range of post-marital residence patterns and there is growing recognition that post-marital residence predicts women's reproductive success; however, the nature of the relationship is probably dependent on whether co-resident kin are cooperators or competitors. Here, we explore this relationship in a Tibetan population, where couples practice a mixture of post-marital residence patterns, co-residing in the same village with the wife's parents, the husband's parents or endogamously with both sets of parents. Using detailed demographic data from 17 villages we find that women who live with only their own parents have an earlier age at first birth (AFB) and age at last birth (ALB) than women who live with only their parents-in-law.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFInequality between the sexes is pervasive both outside and inside the home. One contributing factor could be the dispersal of one sex at marriage that sets up sex-specific differences in relatedness to the group. Here we exploit the ecological diversity and different social structures found in southwest China to investigate the role of sex-biased dispersal on inequality in the sexual division of labor.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe influence of inclusive fitness interests on the evolution of human institutions remains unclear. Religious celibacy constitutes an especially puzzling institution, often deemed maladaptive. Here, we present sociodemographic data from an agropastoralist Buddhist population in western China, where parents sometimes sent a son to the monastery.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFEvol Med Public Health
May 2022
Background: Violence against women is often studied in the context of violence from intimate partners. However, women receive violence from a wider range of individuals-such as their natal kin-including their siblings, parents, uncles and cousins. Applying insights from evolutionary theory, we examine whether cousin marriage, which has been hypothesized to both reduce the risk of partner violence but increase the risk of natal family violence, associates differently with each type of violence.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThere is significant cross-cultural variation in the sex of individuals most likely to be accused of practising witchcraft. Allegations of witchcraft might be a mechanism for nullifying competitors so resources they would have used become available to others. In this case, who is targeted may result from patterns of competition and conflict (same-sex or male-female) within specific relationships, which are determined by broader socio-ecological factors.
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