Alaska contains over 600 formerly used defense (FUD) sites, many of which serve as point sources of pollution. These sites are often co-located with rural communities that depend upon traditional subsistence foods, especially lipid-rich animals that bioaccumulate and biomagnify persistent organic pollutants (POPs). Many POPs are carcinogenic and endocrine-disrupting compounds that are associated with adverse health outcomes.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe vertebrate sodium-iodide symporter (NIS or SLC5A5) transports iodide into the thyroid follicular cells that synthesize thyroid hormone. The SLC5A protein family includes transporters of vitamins, minerals, and nutrients. Disruption of SLC5A5 function by perchlorate, a pervasive environmental contaminant, leads to human pathologies, especially hypothyroidism.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPeople with NR5A1 mutations experience testicular dysgenesis, ovotestes, or adrenal insufficiency, but we do not completely understand the origin of this phenotypic diversity. NR5A1 is expressed in gonadal soma precursor cells before expression of the sex-determining gene SRY. Many fish have two co-orthologs of NR5A1 that likely partitioned ancestral gene subfunctions between them.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFFetal mammalian testes secrete Anti-Müllerian hormone (Amh), which inhibits female reproductive tract (Müllerian duct) development. Amh also derives from mature mammalian ovarian follicles, which marks oocyte reserve and characterizes polycystic ovarian syndrome. Zebrafish () lacks Müllerian ducts and the Amh receptor gene but, curiously, retains To discover the roles of Amh in the absence of Müllerian ducts and the ancestral receptor gene, we made null alleles in zebrafish.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe role of osteoblast placement in skeletal morphological variation is relatively well understood, but alternative developmental mechanisms affecting bone shape remain largely unknown. Specifically, very little attention has been paid to variation in later mineralization stages of intramembranous ossification as a driver of morphological diversity. We discover the occurrence of specific, sometimes large, regions of nonmineralized osteoid within bones that also contain mineralized tissue.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Aberrant signaling between germ cells and somatic cells can lead to reproductive disease and depends on diffusible signals, including transforming growth factor-beta (TGFB) -family proteins. The TGFB-family protein Gsdf (gonadal soma derived factor) controls sex determination in some fish and is a candidate for mediating germ cell/soma signaling.
Results: Zebrafish expressed gsdf in somatic cells of bipotential gonads and expression continued in ovarian granulosa cells and testicular Sertoli cells.
The zebrafish kidney is conserved with other vertebrates, making it an excellent genetic model to study renal development. The kidney collects metabolic waste using a blood filter with specialized epithelial cells known as podocytes. Podocyte formation is poorly understood but relevant to many kidney diseases, as podocyte injury leads to progressive scarring and organ failure.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBoth Fras1 and Itga8 connect mesenchymal cells to epithelia by way of an extracellular 'Fraser protein complex' that functions in signaling and adhesion; these proteins are vital to the development of several vertebrate organs. We previously found that zebrafish fras1 mutants have craniofacial defects, specifically, shortened symplectic cartilages and cartilage fusions that spare joint elements. During a forward mutagenesis screen, we identified a new zebrafish mutation, b1161, that we show here disrupts itga8, as confirmed using CRISPR-generated itga8 alleles.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFLesions in the epithelially expressed human gene FRAS1 cause Fraser syndrome, a complex disease with variable symptoms, including facial deformities and conductive hearing loss. The developmental basis of facial defects in Fraser syndrome has not been elucidated. Here we show that zebrafish fras1 mutants exhibit defects in facial epithelia and facial skeleton.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFMild mutations in BRCA2 (FANCD1) cause Fanconi anemia (FA) when homozygous, while severe mutations cause common cancers including breast, ovarian, and prostate cancers when heterozygous. Here we report a zebrafish brca2 insertional mutant that shares phenotypes with human patients and identifies a novel brca2 function in oogenesis. Experiments showed that mutant embryos and mutant cells in culture experienced genome instability, as do cells in FA patients.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe molecular genetic mechanisms of sex determination are not known for most vertebrates, including zebrafish. We identified a mutation in the zebrafish fancl gene that causes homozygous mutants to develop as fertile males due to female-to-male sex reversal. Fancl is a member of the Fanconi Anemia/BRCA DNA repair pathway.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe transcription factor gene Sox9 plays various roles in development, including differentiation of the skeleton, gonads, glia, and heart. Other functions of Sox9 remain enigmatic. Because Sox9 protein regulates expression of target genes, the identification of Sox9 targets should facilitate an understanding of the mechanisms of Sox9 action.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFFanconi anemia (FA) is a genetic disease resulting in bone marrow failure, high cancer risks, and infertility, and developmental anomalies including microphthalmia, microcephaly, hypoplastic radius and thumb. Here we present cDNA sequences, genetic mapping, and genomic analyses for the four previously undescribed zebrafish FA genes (fanci, fancj, fancm, and fancn), and show that they reverted to single copy after the teleost genome duplication. We tested the hypothesis that FA genes are expressed during embryonic development in tissues that are disrupted in human patients by investigating fanc gene expression patterns.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe role of Anti-Müllerian hormone (Amh) during gonad development has been studied extensively in mammals, but is less well understood in other vertebrates. In male mammalian embryos, Sox9 activates expression of Amh, which initiates the regression of the Mullerian ducts and inhibits the expression of aromatase (Cyp19a1), the enzyme that converts androgens to estrogens. To better understand shared features of vertebrate gonadogenesis, we cloned amh cDNA from zebrafish, characterized its genomic structure, mapped it, analyzed conserved syntenies, studied its expression pattern in embryos, larvae, juveniles, and adults, and compared it to the expression patterns of sox9a, sox9b and cyp19a1a.
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